wrmppe« wiuI Eatr, things. Saihoats With crewof chicks ad banieés. GaLy 97r zà Large r Siwe $ i1098, lVheelbarrows F*led wlth 11.ttoys, lu cellophane. Toy Wagons Luiaded with faseînat- Ing Uttle. toys and wrapped ln brlght cel- 97qe 59eto, $98 Wagons., wheelbarrows.) and saiboats filledwith gay Easter animais. Also ka. PiDk-filled bunnies in gay pr int patterns. Many sizes and 'styles to choose front. Adorable Pluh Easter flunnies Cuddly soft baninies fiiled. with flnest kapok. Pastel combinations.5 9 Others 10 $2.98 An Hac'iuth Pla,nts 6 Various Colors to Choose From ..... ........ .... . . . . .......ah On Sale Friday anti Saturday OnIy. No. Delivery on E asfer ýPlants - Sale o! GareiNesiiTie for Faster *Flowering Shrubs Aithea, Golden Bell, Syrmga, Spirea, Red Barberry and others Each ............. ..........29ë: Amoor River Privet Redge 18 10 24 inch hlgh. 10 to bandie...............~3 Climbiug Roses AU 3.yr. stock. 7 varleties. Eacb ..................... 27e Rose Bushes il1 varieties to select from. 3 Bach . ..... 50 Lbs. Lawn Lime To sweeten the earth...................... 39e Swift's Bone Meal A pulverlzed fertilizer - $2.29 100 lbs..................... 100 Lbs. Peat Moss8 For, your laWns and S 6 around shrubs ............. Gladioli Bulbs 10 varieties. No. 1 stoc~k. 8 Dozen....................18 Keutucky Blue Grass Seed Quallty grass se lu germlnating form. 5 lbs... 95e $5.95 Value! LargeSize KEYSTONE CAGE Swilt's Sheep.Manure. For lawns and gardeus. 16 100 lbs......... ............ Lawu Rllers Cernent ..79 l>u$4 White Clover 55e 6 famous for I standa.............A Bird Cage Cover and Seed Guard Just the thlng to keep seeds off thle floor. Cre- tonne materlal in many colors. 69e value for ........49e Hendryx Cage Oblong shape cage witli wlre s cr e en guard, perches, swing ami cups. Ail. chrome ami wlth chromne$89 loop ............5 q j Easter Siyles for ]Boys and Girls