committee of the Chicago iRound Table of Christians and Jews. fljsh-. op Ernest Lynn Waldorf of -Wil- mette, head of the Chicago area o0 the Methodist church,.will.partici- pate. At a time when piropaganda is changing the map of Europe and has gained increased importance as a force ,influencing, the destiny of Amrerica, the Institute wvill analyze the sources, techniques- and uses of propaganda. Nationally known dise 1ussion. lead- ers will include Fulton Oursier, ed- itor of Liberty and ten monthly magazines; Clyde R. Miller of Col'- umbia university, secretary of the Institute for Propaganda Analysis;j Madam Irene Harand, editor o! the Vienna Catholic weekly "Justice"- Crane Wilbur, Warner Brothers ac- tor, author,.and director, and 'Dor- othy Fuldheim world traveler stu- dent and commentator. Mr. Wilbur's 1938 Academy Award technicolor movie short "Declara- tion of Independence" will be shown at the morning session. Sessions will start at 9:30 a.m. and continue tintil 3:45 p.m. Following brie! for-. sional, stage.. This same lecture will be presented, free of charge, in, the Litie Theatre of the Chic ago Lighti. ing institute, 36th, floor of -the Civic opera building on each o! three eve- ninigs-April 10, May 1, and May .4 at 8 o'clock., Any sizedgrou'p from ten to flfty 'can attend by calling the institute office-State -8412-for a. reservation. EASTE1R VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Youngberg (Rosalie.Roach) o!Ottumwa, Iowa, will divide the Easter week-end be- tween ,Wilynette 'and .Winnetka, spending somne time with Mr. Youngberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott V. Youmgberg o! 419 Wash- ington avenue, WiImette, and Mr. Yo-ungberg's parents, who reside at 292 Sheridan road, Wýinnetka. tYou'l1 findtheir style and beauty math their ýcomfort Af $l15 in pastel shades 2544 ORNBYRA Parking lot in rear I - I I Ir 'l' 1-r