A full schclarship at Culver Mili- tary Academy, covering board, rooni,. and tuition, good for three years' study beginning with 1939- 1940, and valued'at $3,à0O,* has been off ered 'to, the État e of Illinois by- the, board direc tors of ýthe Culver Educational'Foundation,,it has been annouünced'. This is 'one of three Emnily Jane Culver . scholarships, maintained in memory. of the wiie of the academy's founder, whichare being off ered this year, the others being awarded in California and Pennsylvania. Twenty Illinois cities have been contactedl by the scholar- ship domm-ittee it Was Iearned. Illinois Was chosen, it is under- stood, primarily because of the fact that there are more than 800 alumni. to the termns of t he the recipient must have ninth grade, or Junior , with high honors by syear, and must be a by the Arnerican Association of Teachers of Spanish for being the senior student having taken the highest point average in Spanish at Northwestern: university. This 'awa.rd, made for the first time, will be an annual honor conferred frora now on. The presentation Are ExpIained U3r Mariolle MeLean Leary Parents usually get their first im- pressions about the camp personnel from the director of the.camp. There should be no doubt in thé minds of. parents but that, he or she is the mi o s t important personage to be considered. There shoul1d be a strong feeling of iiking, respect and con- fidence i the di- c a mi p to whom you se n d your child. Let us look at, the director from a cliILerent poJint of view than that 3Marjorfr Leary of the Wise, un- (Bernie) derstanding exécûtive to w hôm1 we. as adults. could entrust our child. Let us look at him with your child's eyes. Wiil he be a friendly, ap- proachable and accessible person at ail times? By accessible. we do flot mean the mere statement by the di- rector that hie is willing to talk with counselors and canipers, yet rarely sttee*f o p ersnalintisthn Ruth Dillon, Betty Jane Stall he can have the time to spend with stat fo pesonl inervewsandthe campers. The director must be for a final choosing of a principal Louise Eleanor Menning, and Jean able to play games, take hikes. and an alternate. Patricia O'Brien, ail residents of "rough it," cook meals and be able The Illinois communities selected Wlmette and graduates of N ew to efjoy and participate in the entire by the committee are as follows: Trier High school, were a mong the camp program. Just to single out a A u r o r a, Belvidere, Bloomingt.oi,. boy or girl who has gotten out of ('hamnin-Urhbrna. flctur. ElMin. students nitiated into sororities at control and beynnd the onslr $Pace ore y -I ing z J meberumeg. to its PLYSF * cot m*Che meeca Yo. mulas W.have iyour broies. If t.y' esting. Sie#, one Speclal 1sysi.. witl est ed ad I ~. .~. ~' rua.oq safo M.A5 8.70 Iow. wth "w Omega. 1 i LOre yl