Mdrs. H. C. Toeppen >has a large committee workling with her.onthe salad bridge. party and' style, show which the Woman's Club of Wil- mette is spon.sorin*g>on We dnesday, April 19, at .:30 o'clock- at the club- house. Mrýs. Maurice C. Boothe is co-chairman w it h Mrs. ,Toppen. IReservations. are rnoderately priced. It is expeceted that the-party wil have a capacity crowd. It îs the last of the projects of the club year given by the ways and means com- mittee of whIch Mrs. Howard ]Ring-, holm is chairman, for, the benefitt o the club's buildinig funid. It'is avail.- able. to non-mnembers as well as style sho0w wNeic is to be put on 1>3 Lords of Evanston. There will be an attractive and useful prize for each table. The menu 6f the salad luncheon is springlike in every de- tail. Mrs. Toppen has had two com- mittee me~etings in which all of the arrangements have been made. WRervations are Atn h. made1pwith Miss Ann Whitmaci and Mrg. Ross Moier for the f ashion show, mette Learjue of Woir temple. Othet' membe, street, afternoon, and and ft~ A cast of flfty will take part in the Jack and, Jili Pl1ayers' produc- tion, "The Little Lame Prince," at -the. Wilmette Womnan's. club ý.Satur- day afternoon,» April 8,, at 2_ lieadifig the .list of characters is - ~--->-#'David Ogren, who plays the titie r oie. David ïs one of the best knoiVn *models in the country-he has. ap- peared on the covers 'of most of the popular:,magazines. He has recently- returried from Hollywood, where he made several pictures. Hle has been a Jack* and Jili player for three Jerome Walter, who plays the vil- lain,- is-a 'former "Dead'End" kid. He can be heard daily on the WBBM show, "Steprnother." He also ap- pears on "~Cavalcade of Basebali," &44 'Raetty adRnhb" .j-i,.willbe Strus Peto Phtoseen soon in the leading role in StrussPetonPhooRobinson Crusoe," the Jack and %ette Public library, Jill production at the Civie theatre. nue, will be models d par'ty of the Wil- Bill Christy, who has an impor- 24, at the Masonic tant role, is a young radio actor of vear the newest in exceptional ability. He is heard on don show are Mrs. "Captain Midnight," -Those Hlappy rs. John Gall, Mrs. Gilmans," and "Arnerican School of Mrs. C. S. Coates, the Air." Joan Grauer, who plays the vil- ,Hu ggins. Ir., Glen S. Roberts, Charles W. Robb, Snow, Arthur G. M. Telfer, Jr., W. H. Worel, John G. Roeth, Frank Slas- The Parents' ass Shore Country Da: pointed Mrs. Pr chairman o! arrar op en house to be Ih on the evening of o' dock. ig women of St. Francis rish are meeting weekly e plans for the Travel v and bridge party at 'ountry club Friday eve- 128. At the most recent eld at the home o! Miss ýerich.' Miss Bette Peter- The members of the ebildren' s plays committee of the ways and means committee o! which M r s. Howard Ringholm is chairrnan, are: Mrs. Harrison. A. Storms, chairman; Mesdames William R. Collins, George Coonley, F. A. Faville, Paul Gathercoal, J. D. Kinnear. C. W. Krohl, George Lamb, M. P. Linde, Carl Longreri, W. A. M~ann, Jr., F. L.. MeGrath, John A. Petaja. W. A. oz thee Bert Jr.. . Irs. C.