Mrs. Charles F. Hemenway. of Evanston, vice - president of the Wells Alumn ae- association, has. charge of arrangements and, reser- vations. and will preside. Mrs. Theodore Rockwell, president of the North Shore group, is out- of town and will not be present for the, event. Mrs. .Robert Walker is president of the Chicago club. After Dr. Weld' s talk, color motion pictures will depict lite at Wells.ý Girls living in this vicinity. who are prospective stuidenits, girls who are interested in ging to Wells. will. be present.> Dr. Weld will be entertained at a dinner. that evening giveni at the. home of the Donald Millers of Evans, ton. List Spring Events AM Sunset Ridge Club A meeting Monday afternoon at the home of its chairman, Mrs. Gross Williams, in Indian Hill estates, sig- nalizeci the resuimption of activity for the Woman's board of Sunset Ridge club. Members of that con-j tone, who' has -Sung Chicago City Opéra this past season and with. the company, howtll be among its aitists next yéar, witmake his third appearance at the Woman's Club of Wilmette Wednesday afternooti. Apiî 12, on the occasion of thýe annual nieeting. Have Parts in French. Club Play in Evanston Four local people will have roleý in the French play, "Ces Dames au> Chapeaux Verts," by Albert Acre, mant to be presented by the' Frenci Club of Evanston Moflday afternoor Nationally recognized for correct tablearrangements 707, Church Street, Evanston Greeneéaf .2450 Patronize Our Advertisers --. 4¶4' -~ from Wnnetka->Mrs. J. D). Woof 'OWý- twgl: T& Junior social chairman: Mrs. A. G. mette, who is also directing the Christiansen, playground; Mrs. 'H. production. Miss Parker, who was H. Barnum, landscape; from Glen- educated in France and is now tak- coe-Mrs. William McKee, chairman ing a degree at Northwestern uni- of golf; from Chicago-Mrs. P. N. versity; is the daughter of Mrs. L. Sea, social chairman. M. Parker who teaches French at Womn o SusetRide hve eenNorth Shore Country Day school. bowling all winter, and to climax Mrs. Benton Sanders, 1520 Lake tht-ir a.ço hca owinlncrrhon u;ilavenue, Wilmette. and Angus Steven,