rangea me4 program mnIfft*WI&<:flU)ê& be given in thé echurch parlors at Wilmette, and. Park aeus Mrs,. D. J. Hartnett and her assistants wvill be, in charge of the luncheon, Whicht is spon-. sored by the Social circle, of .wh ch Mrs. Fred, Wt*ese, is chairm an. Mrs. Frank Osborn and- her helpers'have been busy the past .months sewt»ng attractive giftsý for -a bride-to-mb e. Gifts wiillalàso be ont dislplai, during the after-ý noon. Esther Schve rmann J.D. Lax 00 Crane. street, Kéniwort G ids 1Evanston, hostess to the Whitehouse WUil Meet on Monda b guild. The James Madison, guild Y will be entertained at the home of Lunheo ý nd ;sewfig meetigs Mrs. L.R. -N, Sweel; 'f09 ,Ridge rmwd, will be held next Monday by the Kenilworth. guilds of the Woman's auxiliary ait A meeting of the McLaren, guild the Churcli of the Holy Comforter. will be held at the .home 0f Mrs. The Grisvold guild will meet with Hill Carruth, 179 Fuller lane, Win- Mrs. Murdo Ross, 727 Cummings netka.,. and a meeting of the William avenue, Kenilworth, and the Seabury White' guild. at the home of 'Mrs. guild with Mrs. Louis Raggio, 610 Miles Seeley, 705 Roger avenue, Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. The Kenilworth. Anderson guild will meet with Mrs! M. B. Salisbury, 608 Earlston road, Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling, 256 Kenilworth. Kphiwnrth avenu, T<nilwnrth, re- - 0%w1A 5 fARd trom Jos.ph-29 Davis Sftietl-Evanifon I.. by Cleo