not thé thing, Mr. K1nne backslid. ýNaturally this 'Yes and..No' policy ind1îica es a lack of understanding of. the, relief fromn drudgery to the board of trustees and the profit to, citizens,-from an able and unhamper- ed Manager. In conclusion,* I hcpe Ilhere will be a heavy vote on April- 18 in favor] of retaining the village manager formn of. governmnent for Wilmette. C. E. Drayer TAKES EXCEPTION Editor. WILmETtE LiFE: As a memnber of the Harmony convention of, 1939 and also of the states that the I*arrnony part y fa- vors the village manager plan. In the platform of the Harmony party tiiere is no plank, stated or implied, referring to a village man- ager. although it' was thoroughly discussed by the platform commit- tee, inasmuçh as the previous. con- vention platform contained such a plank. When the platform was pre- Wilmette, as incorporated, does flot come under the present state law covering village managers. When an individual is hired to as- sume the duties of a village man- ager, but given the title of acting manager. it -ls nothing more or less than a subterfuge and a technical violation of the law. If any group, inside or outside of