Comnmunity observance of Good Friday will1 be concentrated ini a threeýhour worship in St. Augustine's Episcopal church Friday beginning. at 12 o'clock, noon, and 'continufing through 3 o'clock. Cooperating in, the service. will be six Protestant churches -in the vil- lage and the worship climaxes sev- eral. weeksý of united Sunda3y eve- ning services. The-m.inisters: of tevarlous churches will participate in the wor- Churchea Invite You! Attention of viflagers is di- rected to the announcements on pages 14-15 in this issue' giving information regardig the numn- wnJne nor meU U1V t poJJpuiar in operated sirice 1930. In the face of these efforts to dèstroy progres- thehisoryof heWinnetJ<aMuuie sive municipal administration and return whally to an archaic sys- club's Artist-Recital series. tem ,from which hundreds .af, forward-looking communities .have, W ithin less than o'emnt fe e mancipated themselves , th is- paper cannot remnain silent. the annauncemnent of the artists en- The italimprtane o thedeciionnow ê b mad, oaged and fully seiven months, b. The ita imortnceof he dcison ow o b mae, tS fore the tirst recitai. the chairmaii effect upon the future welfare of the,,village and upon the interests oif the ticket sale-; cnwtmittee, Mrs.. of taxpayers, compel us ta speak. Caroline L. T!arrisberger, Il* As publishers also af WINNETIKA Cherry street. Wirînetl<a, annaunes TALK and GLEiNcoE NEws, the iDub- B. Tt heps te create au active, that ail bhut abnut one hundred se*tsý lishers of WiLmETTE LIWE have had healthy and helpful comimuaity in the New Trier auditorium have exceptional opportunity over many spirit. been silbstribed for t h e* season. years to acquire intimate knowledge 9. It cornes olouerte giljg> th Much oif the credit for this anlendid c>! the success of the village manager taxpayer 100> cents. In value foreey accomplishment is due ta the en- plan in both of those neighborlng vil- dolar1 he pays la taxes, tha n thusiastie suPoort oif the -members lages, and also in Kemilworth. It is other forin et goveruniett. of this committee, It in painted oUt. inconceivable that any unprejudtced 10. It creates confidence ln the, The sùb-chairmen In the differeat person in possesion of this same, minds ofni wllmw.m.In he cdii. e, gvilla «esniareuTrs.Arthur. ftufi.I