The complété pirograrn for the North Shore Music festival, whlch will be held May 16, 18, and 20 in the new mndoor choral theater at Dyche stadium,* Evanston, was announced this week by Arthur G. Cable,' presi- dent of the Northwestern University Festival association. The soloists wlll be Kirsten Flag- stad, soprano; Marian Anderson, contralto; Igor Gorin, baritone; Rosa Tentôni, soprano; Friedrich Schorr, bas.; Frederlck Jagel, tenor; Mark Love, bas.; Elizabeth Wysor, con- tralto; Agnes Davis, soprano, and William Miller, tenor. Offer Bach W.rk, Mis Tentoni. Miss Wysor, Jagel. Scott* IRiVer Wilmn Evani Wflm When the Winnetka Drama club presenta that LpToarotLs comedy, "You Can't Take It WitîZ You" on. Aprfl 18, 19 and 20, the scat- terbraiii but appealinçi "Pennu," the a 2 W. L. Sales....... 53 31 .8 36 .c cti . 48 36 >ec....... ce.45 39 eBer. Sato.4 41 e............... 41 43 flow.......... 41 43 Sticians.....40 .« ..39 4& :a1 .*....9 45 Pt. and Glass..39 45 heatre ....... 37 41 mdry ......... 37 47 er. Jr........ 35 49; way, Corrigan threw his .776 .788 :787 .781 .740 .778 .776 .768 .766 .765 .765 bal 'ftll*èI tu se,. mway urom the venar. IJigh, Artillery, 99 hlgh teamn three' gamnes, Artiflery,. 948, MI9 941, 2888; high Indivldual game, Cëleave, 235; high individual, three gamnes, Llndberg, 175, 117, 193, 545; games over 200: Cleavýe,. 235; Brightwell, 221. Teem, Standings Team, W. L-: Pct Engineers..... .120, 13 .6W6 Gunners........19 14 .576 Bombers ........... 17 16 -.515 Torpedoes...... w..... 17 16 .515 Destroyers ... ... 14 19 .424 Artillery............. 12 21 .364 With only four* nights to go, foiur teams only three gaines apar 1t, any- thing can happen. Which, team will ,a under Dr. Amer-I years ày evening at the closig Pa n to songs by Mme. Flag- to -day's program will in- ,formance of Beethoven's SC ýphony," with Miss Davis. th r, Miller, and Schorr in ce are coni Musical ved enthu Sget our Stag. It wlll bè the r this season.-John P. Wltjer, VJEW LADIES' LEAGUE ,th .Wy-f WOWEN 'S LEA ners in 1 Rolling 704 f or the rsor re- 1 game of the night andi eam in t Legion t )m the le ithe Illino on- have been uwling Asso- be held this "s Alleys on oThe teams JIVIuai, Singles- Lindberg; l2th place. All events: Lindberg; se c on d place. iteam Two tearns frorn the league have series, been entered i the Illinois. bowling ie-iead- association tournament to be held an they this month at the Bensigner's al-. boU5ItAme nouse .recently. out u. eruiai~ by tour pins. A series April 14 and 15-"Nency Drew, Quinlan Reporter," for F. "'American Le-. ýgion., for. A and Y gA WhwI*.1332 Gwc.1332