Bel ore becoming. ass6ciated wfth Lyon and Healy, in 19,22,, he had been associatedý with the Corn Prod- ucts Company of New York and with the Jewel Tea company, For many years he had been identified with the banikng business i Chicago.. During the World war he served as state fuel admrnnstrator. Survivlng, besides his widow, are. a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Poor of Johannesburg, South Africa, and, two sons, Robert Gregory Durham, alaw student at Yale university, and Raymond E. Iurham, Jr., as- sociated with his father at Lyon and Healy. of the unurch of, me rter., on Weclnesday.aften wat at Graceland'cemne MR&. LOBA E. BURGE98 Mrs. Lora Elizabeth Burgess, wife of Ernest C. Burgess, passed away Thursday, March 30, at her home, 344,,South avenue, Glencoe. Center, Iowa, buit'had lived i Glen- coe for many years. She was a mnember of. the Womnan's Library club, and the Glencoe chapter. of the Daughters ofthe American Rev- olution.« In this last organization. she,.had held many offices on th~e Moving to WIlmeute, wnere hus xam- Ily lived for severaî years., he and his son%-bought the Local News, the GLENcoS NcWS, -and, an' Evanston weekly.U Funeral services were held onU Wednesday of last week i Tulsa w1th burial at Menorial Park cerne- tery iEvanston. He lu survived by three sons, four daughters, and a brother. CORLINNE WICKWI]RE Miss Corinne Wickwfre of ýChi- cago, who has had many friends by five children: Robert, John, liam, Ruth, and Sister Mary Esther, B.V.M. FREDERIO <lAIX Frederic d'Aix, 68 years old. ing operator whose homne w, She is Clarence in*ý Geneva in Grove, N~ rth Shore at St. Mary's cernetery. 1 both ini 1 . Four Wilmette girls were home children: lest week fronT Corneli college, ;ton, Mrs. Mount Vernon, Iowa, for their spring Morton vacation, returnlng to school on Sun- er of Wil- day. They are Miss Jean Everson, INSU RAIECE A*XRNCY o. G. Ebeil. 2 Gr.n Bey Rd, WIntka 058 Avemus UN. 3474 612 Cimrci. Steef, betweem Orurlto . - , , - 1 - 1 ý -- 1 ý - ý - , , - âââ Avenue$