WHITMAN CROCOLATES NOVELTIES TOASTED NUTS Deluxe Ejixture qoew' 89Clb HOUBIGANT EAU DE FLORALE 8 Distinctive (Mors JILJI «IL Le .&ay-& ICE CREAM SLAYER BRICK Top-French Vanilla Center--4aser Igg Candy. Fruit and Nuls R@t*.m-MelIow French. CIocolal. 22e Pt. . AckermannPhoto Choir Boys of St. Augustne's Episcopal. chturch practice >in pre para- tion for the Easter morning service. -Shoum in the photo âbove are» left to right: George Stahi, Robert Raymond, William Scnders,ý and, Kenneth MacCow an. Report Heéavy Demand for Boat .Ancho rage-in On AprIl 1,, the .deadline date fé ir.frential rénewn1 nofI-1938niermÎt4 Wilmette Harbor Ls Plan rustei IURCU 0F CHRIST, SCI Tenth Street and Central Avenue. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS an Gastrel inounced at lworth Vil- !veni ng that nt of Irvin Subject: Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?, READING ROOM - Il 33 Central Avenue * Open Dauly (except Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6,P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. * Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. TIl. Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authoriaed Science Lterature anay b. read, borrowe4 or puvchaued - tte .Reading 1 ileet Labect on J.c retains its rec ing dépth of and the outsid feet through-j iafinel shows aj Car]. area, formerly a part of ri- Mlage, was recently annexed to tte. A. Peterson to At -oue Two Dependable Stores I I ts.