A boy typical of those living at. the Chicago Junior schgoo on the' Fox, river near Elgin is pictured here. The boysà of the schéol witiU give a pro gram for members and pro spect ive' members o! the North Shore Friends of the schôol when theij visit' it on Monday, April 24, and will per- scrnaljü condtuct tJhervii through the buildings and around the grounds. Promhpt1.y at 2 o'clock, following a brief business session, a special pro- gramn wiIl be presented. Dr. Fred Berndt, concert-violinist and com- poser, will play a group of number se accompanied by Mrs. Berndt at the. piano. Dr. Berndt, a new Ameni- can, fonmerly was concert-master of the Vienna SyrnPhony orchestra and conductor of the Hamburg Opera orchestra. A motion picture, "A Day at Camp," will be shown. Miss Vena Teplitz' camp director, wil act as commentator of the film, which shws liàe 'atou'ncîIfèampý,a rnoaeT summer camp for underprivileged Jewish mothers and chîldren . at Wauconda. The final number of the programn will be an abbreviàted version o! a Seder-nr Pssovr servic . n occasion for the election of officers P'ormav Ruklmt par for the Central board o! the Alunnae of the Chicago area.. Mns. John Fox, 1038 Asbury avenute, Evanston, is ac- Paironie. Our cepting reservations for the luncheon. Fcýl ZUus* .PERMANENT WAVE NOW$50 7 - IN THE GEORGIAN HOTEL GRE. 4100 UNS. 6861 North ShoreHouaewives ay, W. Have No Rug Problem Now. W'. Jua Phne EVANSTON CARPIT CLEANING CO. Their prices are aJways reasonable and their tuorkmanship is excellent. After luncheon the boys wiIl give o! each o! the standing cor a program, and guests will have the participating in the projec opportunity to meet thèse bright Benjamin I. Morris, preside youngsters, and be personally con- Chicago section, is an ducted by them through the build- member of the committee. ings and about. the grounds.. The faeulty will welcome al