brilant musical. program by two fellow members have been planned by Mrs. William- N. Alderman cf Highland .Park, retîimg president of the North Shore Alumnae a ssocia- tion of Delta Gamma,, and her cern- mnittee. The afternoon's entertainment, which will be in the form of a beneit for -the Memorial Hlouse Fund at Oxford, Miss., Will be held at Mrs. Edwin Austin's home, 3 Briar lene, Glencoe, -on Monday, April 24, at 2:30o'clock. The artists wiho Will enter paint- ings for the exhibit will be Kathleen Beuhr Granger, Elsie Brown Jones,, Henrietta Oliver Br ander, who have County .Federation ofW.omien' Clubs Which will hold *the> final meeting of the year, Moniday, April *17, in the Auditorium hotel1 at 10:30, o'clock in the morning. 'Col. Roy F. Farrand, president of St. John's Military academny at Delafield, Wis., will be a speaker. His talk will be on "Disloyal Propaganda in Our Public School System." Colonel Farrand sta tes that in- spired unAmericanism bhas Made great inroads in the university cir- dles and is now creeping into, high schools and elementary schools. The luncheon hour at -12:15, wi11 be followed by a humnorous note we anUol= ln- Rion pArn ahi ,r n. .- Evanston on Saturi2ay, April 22. Sev- eral' hundred alumnae. and- active. chapter1 members of the sorority wili attend a discussion session at the' Orrington hotel, followed by a luncheon at which Mrs. T. Dayton Davies of Seattle,* Wash., national president of Tri Delta, wîll be the. main speaker. .Alumnae from throughout Illinois and active members fromi North-, we stern and James Millikin univer- sities, Knox college, and~ the Uni- versity of Illinois, will attend the, ail-day program. A buffet suppc r at'the chapter house is being ,given for the visitors by the Northwestern. active grou'p and three alumnae or- ganizations, the North Shore alli- ancee the Chicago. North Side and Barbara bmytne, and .uorotny Mvont- gomery. Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Keeler have just won prizes at the recent art exhibit at the Woman's Club of Evanston. Mrs. Matson illustrates children's books, _two of which were published this winter. r The program will De cronclude d with Mrs.-Elmer B: Jones, chai 9- man, speaking on "'International A r fairs, a Swiftly Changing Scene.- At Kenilworth C liam Spurgeoi Junod of Evý rushing for th4 Virginia Ross of the North'w Hazel Horton president of 1J as toastmistre 145~, &,clek in the o00M will follow two sion, led by Mrs. Wil- * (the former Betty rston), chairman of Chicago district, and and Annamarle Booz ýstern chapter. Miss *1 Delta, will preside s at the luncheon in- Davies. whose sub- a' member of American Const where she teaci e aculty of the Presentati vatory Of Mùsic Weiller,1 piano and com- 'r oni wAl ne mtiue t ich consul in( ffiir 'AP2ad To DlisafiIed reservations. ivrs. Wiiam ivcKsee of Decatur bas charge of the pro- gram. The buffet supper is being planned'by Mrs. Robert H. Smith of: