Studio Afternoon In the home of Mrs. James G. McMillan, 445 Sheridanl roiid, Win- netka, patroness of the organIza- lion, on Sunday April, ?3, at 3 o'clock, the second of a series'o! ,studio afternon will be sponsre by the 1 Phi Beta North Shore, Alum- nae club and the patrons and pa- tronesses of Alpha chapter. At this lime four ypung- artists wlll appear who _were chosen as winners of a contest held -atI Kimbal hall in Chicago. The. alm of this exdeavor by Phi Beta, as a national professional fraternity of music and dramatic art, is to present to the community young, artists- who would, because -o! ;the comrpetitive -numnber of seasoned arlists appearing in Ch!"- cago and the North Shore, remain ior guiil ofSt. LuIce's jro-Cathe- dral, is sponsoring Saturday 'niglit, April 15,, at the.- Evanston Country club, several North Shore couples are inviting groupa. of guests to join tbem. Among-those entertaining are Mr. and -Mrs. John B. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mulliken, Mr. and Mrs. 'James A. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. ýE. G. Sievers, Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Dingman, M r. and Mrs. C. A. Nickerson, Mr.; and Mrs. A.. Mc- Geoch Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Dean lRosensteel,: Mr. and Mrs.. W. G. Hobbs' Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Karom, Mr. and Mrs. George Flick, ýMr. and Mrs. Follett,, H-. L. Hampton. a4nd Dr. and Mrs. -Victor Lothmon. Let us call it a "Clearing House" say the women of Wilmette Parlsh Methodist guild as they make elab- oraàte. plans for the.,one rummage sale:of the year to 6be'held i the church basement on May 10 and,1. .Certamnly this t'vo-fold project is, an. opportunity for many useful articles to change hands. The, six> divisions of the guild meeting next' week ,on,.Tuesday and Thursday, April 18 and 20, will per- fect their plans and .assign their workers to the many departments. Meeting for luncheon on Tuesday April. 18, are three divisions: :First division at the home of Mrs. Joseph Andrencetti, 1320 Maple avenue; Fifth ,division at the, home of Mrs. .B . Mitchell. 205 Sixth. street. and ses: mette is a member of Phi B et a a; North Shore Alurnnae club, which, te together with the patrons and te patronesses, of Alpha chapter, .ony adiy sponsor the second in a series of ane, studio ajternoons Sundayi, April 's o! 23, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. James G. [ver MeMillau of 445 Sheridlan road, i r., AvA. Dr. and 4r. and1 r.' and1 rs. A. L. s. Louis s. John s. Harry ark, Mr. aver, D. s. Frank MrIis. Ed- Mrs. E. W. K. Roe, 815 Linclen ave- nue, on April 28, at 1:30. Mis. Kenneth Funkhouser is assi§ting ih the sale o! tickets. On Thursday, April 20, three other divisions will have luncheon meet- ings. The Second division meets with Mrs. Glenn O. Sensiba, 737 Cummings a v e n~ u e Kenilworth; Third division with Mrs. Louls Mr. a n.d Mns.J Miss Clara MacG rry Phillips, Miss P, tePeteraul Ott, k,- et Prof. McKibben of lt N. U. Scheduled ie To Address Cuild ES Prep>arations for the flnal regu U.LA £il . iiui Ju Cý.. Hlunt, Joseph Rushton, Mr. and Mrs. John McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Joice,,Dr. anÀd Mrs. John Mer- riman, Dr. and Mrs. Seth Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. Becker Hungerford, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dole. divisions wil De çnanged next year leaving only April and May meet- ings with the present groups. At t h e executive meeting on Thursday it was decided to hold a May dlay Party on May 4. at the rerHigh achool.-