sl aaoeîea a potential scene-stealer. A former prop man at .another studio, Marlowe, was sig*nedby Uni. versai and cast ýin "Big Town Czar"I as a gangster. Marlowe was told to chew gum for one scene, and in another sequence later in the da y hé was told to throW the chicle, away. Director Arthur Lubin explained, "You're standing between Barton MacLane and T o m Brown in this scene," Lubin, said. "They'.re talk- ing across you, and if- you're chew- ing gum the audiene Will just watch your jaw moving uip and down. Some actors use that very device, to steal scenes." n£uig ana a exJ.*U gU sysLVK1n5 15 jN, -____________________ 000, making it Hollywood's mnost impressive research' department,-----P oronize Otir.4dvertisers literally anxd figuratively.I PHONJE VARSITY. EVANSTON Sot. Open, 12:30 Extra: New Chapter SUCK ROGERS NORSHORE Hloward Nemi Clark Extra-Fra.,. 0P.M.] JAMBORLE I I 4' WINNETKA 1034 FRIDAY FORt 7 DAYU- FEATUILESý Madeleine Carroll - Fred MacMurray 'OCAFE SOCIETY" plus.. e irever LA -Sophistilovely', - that's the )iew word Hollywood has 'coinc-1 and applied to the beauteous Madeleine Carroll. Wth Fred MacMurrai, and Shirley Ross she stars in the ribald merry- miad hït, '-Cafe Society," o pen- ing tomtorrow at the Varsity. Milton Krasner is a motion pie cameraman with a practical sE of humor! Eàch time he is assig to a new production, he selects s( phrase or group of words typica the picture and plasters it on side of the camera blimp. On the set at Universal where was photographing }Iugh Herber reporting on the set of Cecil B. De, the making of "The Storm," a thrill. Mille's "Union Pacific" in a wheel- i ng sea story, the words "Man the chair, as a resuit of a sprained. an- Boats" were posted on the camera. kie, are compulsory on ail De Mille _________ films according to his Paramount ROUND-UP 0F VETERANS contract. She has been witlN the Maurice Costello, Robert War- producer-director for 25 years and1 wick, Brandon Tynan, Franklyn has eut or helped him eut al of his!î Farnum, ail names that at one time 65, pictures. o r annther soared to stellar heights I onita Granvilê-Fraflk ThomIas, J.- Free Phone Service Wil. 450 r SAcres 4of Free Parking Space in No Man's Lan . Litel s IN EL"9