47 Ul!UeUinagni an1.aZAu UUVQt,esd'---k -- 11I U bafloting last Saturday. Thie results then rai'sed to the original figure, with one exception. In that case folow:the departmènit head received $5,4W0 per year and was eut to $3,600 New 'Trier Townshi lp igh Sehol, per year, where:it remains.OeohrsalryCutirm$0 e (two to be elëcted)i:,Abe IR. Peter- month to $270 bas not.been restored.. Some cuts in the 1owe brack- son, 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, 161;Geoge . Ptna, 117 sh:ets have not been restored. The village manager is now. receiving 1an1avèegé. lmette, 111 A $4,200.peir year. Is the saving (?) of that.sur» a matterofsh New Tr ier Township Sehool' TrU9m- vital importance to the village when it'pays for continuous trained tee (one to be elected): Robert W. supervision of approimtately 100 ernployees who receÎve.corhbined Wales, 480 Sheridan road, Winrietka, saaiso '10573.8 pryer Wllmtte prsidnt o th scool President Gets $1,6w a Year board, Henry J.. Brandt, 816. Fore.. M.Knn ~eve svlae ao.Mr. Kitnneoublielv Rnnouniced avenue, 53;, for trustees, full terrm president a salary of $1,000 per year. hbis conversion to the village man- (two to be elected) Mrs. Edward C. plus $600 per year for stenographic ~rp .ada ae etn Hildreth, 2006. Beechwood 'avenue, service. hcsfrbohsm r of the Wflmette Civic league* re- 56; hares M Bulingme,812made payable to Mr. Kinne. Green hle . avenue,5;fr truse, t8 ilaeCer12hoa . ilriterated the declaration. Greelea avnue 56 fortrutee to VilageCler Nihols P Miler Was Pledged to Manager. Plan flil out an unexpired term (one to receives a salary of $600 per year .. In 1935, andi again in 1937, Mr. be eleeted) Mrs. Roy S. Lundi, 1310 plus $600 for stenographic service. Kinne was elected 'Village President Ashland avenue, 48. Checks for both sums are mnade pay-. nteHrycneto ikt F1~ete~ ~ê 1e~~ ~ ~ .. ~ 'In ttttreé^tlôbs thé HËflri6hnyp1a' elected): Mrs. Leon T. Ellis, 201 Wilmette is the only village in form pledged alleglance to the vil- Cumberland avenue, 33,; Harry J. New Trier township that pays jts laee manager plan. Willams 205Oxfrd rad,33. village president a saiary. It is aiso Then came the C. P. 1Dubbs Shaw- Willams. 25 Oxordroa, ~the only one, except Kenilwortn, necu inrpryo aur Winnetka: presidént of the school that pays its village clerk a salary, îastcatbwich pteormenr ilag board, Robert S. Hammond, 1217an ereie ny$5prya7 ata wehhefmrvlag Asbury avenue, 60; for trustees (two and h recIv e Rly$2speo ya9 president gave the present Village to be elected> Edward M. Bullard,WhtlTre eao? board a, severe verbal spanking for 139de ind rod, 9; rs.Robrt If economy is not the true reason 'having employed the preseiit village 1E9.i W dt roa9 Ed59; Mrs. Aertfor opposition to the Village manager manager, followed later by Mr. nmE. o Wo r wodè,39' e li te n58. plan, what is? Perhaps the answer Kinne's open opposition to the plan; of Theodore 'A. Buenger, '268 Ridge rnay he found in recent' statements and "his expressed 'plrpose of mak- avenue, a retiring member of the in whkh Mr. Kinne said, "Irmust irig a fight against it. be assureci of, trustees who will think board, wt eo h ilg aae In view of this record, lu it any Glencoe (two tru6stees to be eleet- wt eo h vlaemngrwonder that villiagers are .sking, ed).: IMrs. Ralph, E. Stoetzel, 245 question," and "Look to, me for "Wliat are Mr. Kinn»e'.s real senti- P'ark avenue_ 19; George 'F. Spaul- guidance ,and alpproval in he de- ments on the v ,illage manager qùes- ding, 241 Harbor street, 19. On te b erto set boardi of trustees tion?"' and "'IsMr.. Dubbs., who no Avoca: one trustee was eiected at ' Q- h rsn or ftute longer lives here, trying to dictate to a voters' meeting, Anton Trialmann. are men who are serving the village the people of Wilmette what they ______________as a civicduty and'not because they rnyo a nthv? want' the job. These men are not ra rmynthv? Baptst ingrs Wll oîn to thik wth" nyoe. hey Because of the almost universal Baptst ingrs W ll oin to thik wth- nyoe. heysuccess of the manager plan, and think for themselves. Was the object especially in our neighboring vil- order? That i the plain implca- tQ go to the polis on next Tuesday, The Senior choir of the, Wilmette tion of the words. If so, then the pur- April 18, and vote to make the vil- Baptist -church, and the Wilmretté pose becomes, not economy, but con- lage manager plan wholly', and not'1 Maie chorus, under the directionof.'trnl of the village board. Thepolling place wil be the vil-. lage hall, 419 Richmnond road, and the poils will be open from 6.O «dock ini the mnorning, until .5 o'"clock i the afternoon. .There will be on ly one ticket on the ballot, that sponsored by the non-partisan-citizens",adVisory com- mittee, composed, of representatives of the community's civic, religlous, social, and welfare organizations. Three Trustees Porter Fox, 626 Warwick road, and Henry George Zander,, Jr., 736 Cumn- mnings avenue, have. been re-n omi- nated for village trustee. Courtenay C. Davis, now village clerk, who lives at 243 Leicester roa'd, has been nomina-ted for trustée to succeed avenue, who decllned to seelc anoth- er term. Tô fileut the unexpired two years of Mr,. Davis' term, the advisory committee nemliated Lyle' L. Richmond, 720 Roger avenue. The terms of Village Preuident Harry P. H~arrison, and of Trustees Hèrman Gastreli Seely, Harold 'F. Tideman, and Anan R'aymond- wili expire ini 1941. Rabbi.Liebman 'o Preeach $sudrsy In Glencoe Temple Rabbi Joshua L. Liebman of *.A.M. temple, Chicago, wiil con- duet the services at the North Shore Corîgregation Israel in Glèncoe Sun- day morning, April 16. Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of the Glencoe temple will occupy the K.A.M. 'pul-