Jihurboiescomacropop BAI 710 C ~II ST. SPON<SORS CAIW PARTY Guild 1 of the, Atar and Rosary S Sodality of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Gleniew, of which Mrs. 3. A. Mowatt is chairman, is spon- soring a card party Friday evening, April 28, at .8 oclock at the. church. uerous prizes Will be' awarded., FINI PICTURE Framcs Repmfred and Regilded Otilers Takea forAflkeatlc 0770 r I Ackermnann'Photp T7his bety of fair young women wilU act as usherettea at the Theta Uipsilon Rho "Stuùt Night" pro grain tomorrow (Friday) evening. Left t> right: (front rowa) Nancy Weishaar, Janet Smith, and Emilie Jane: Micey; (back rowa) Mary Louise Hall, Marion Goocle, Mar.ny Keller,.. and Mary Lamb. Onme usherette tvas ehosen from each of the partici- pating young peopie's groupa, of. tuhich there are seven. The trophy: to be awarded for the best atunt is also shown. The show will be staged in the au- ditorium of the Wilmette Paih jS.Jh ' yers Methodist Church school building and j_ j_ i egational ec worth leagu The St. John's Players *wil pre- sent the three-act comedy, "Wings of the Morning," by Charles Quimby Burdette, at, 8 o'clock Thursday night, MayAl1, in the Howard school auditorium' l7th' street and Spencer avenue, Wilxnette. A mysterious house whis4, Qinks I1dhve Your on a new Rugsý wiil bel Announce Cast ;a Carlen, 1713 Walnut avenue, ette, Joyce Calvert, a success- ,oung business woman; Doris ~1530 Wilmette avenue, Loa. 'I I.si