LAUD STEAK.,Spring lamb. sfrloin sea& .IL.39C COLO MEATS. Asorted. cut, besf quiî*y.. . lb. 55e IMEAT> FOR LOAF. Cul fo order, beaf-poak--veaI-' % lb. ~9c I I SLUCED *~tRASP- PUACHUS IIBURRIES 12.-O: Cap, Fancy Elberta peaches .. *the pride of the northwest. .. 6 2,5c. 3 Z wei25c CASE-"- 5c, .(PlaDepuft> UE,.,y Drop Fard' 210 Fancy Famous Cuth-, bert Red Raspber- ries . . . Another Pride of the North- 1of Juice............. ... doz. i gc Large Size«.. 25e-Ms4dium size.. . 19 Extra large........... 4 lbs. 25C 141 CANE AND'MAPLE SYRUP. .. .e ee e* e. :I~:.25c IDROMEDAItY DATES. e e.. e PITT Z Fine flavor, tender., KERNELS. .. P IL2,.s.23c FANCY âgoi or Groon Large sise * ee ee UARTS 23c 15. NO. a 3 FO 25c e e. e 'e, Thrlfty Honenakers Un- * O-X-O-L 3 for Rd e 17e I : ron 25é