5bore ±roperty O.wners association, i connection with- its programn to preserve the residenital character 5of the area.. WWIgeReive MYarkers The engineers, followlng their four,ý months' study, recommended the removal of the Route 42 maricers from Sherdan road and urged aban- 5domnent of plans to build an outer drive i Evanston. The fact that Sheridan road isaIaready bur- dened by handling local trafflc 18 plainly an argument favoring rellev- Ing it sBUll fui'ther o! through traffic. and the investigators declared that the proposed outer drive would not ,wihr 1nmcrasehe umeiwif Î' SARELL'S.0 InC. 712 Charch St.. Eveuston ITS A TREAT FOR YOUR LAWN OR GARDEN PLACE YOUR OR.DER,,NOW' theouter drive for .I!vanston point hi the, heavy .traffiéc on Sheri- dan road through that, city as pýroof that additlonal traffic lanes1 are needed but-overlook the serious con- sequences -that would resuit from pouring a greatly enlarged traffic, flow in Wilmette and beyond, the report points out. The traffic counts went deep into Chicago and showed that on An av- erage twenty-four-hour week, day, 00,930,passenger cars use the outer drive at Irving Park boulevard, on Sheridan road, 24,4W0 at Loyola ave- nue, 16,560 at Juneway terrace and 13,670 at Isabella steet i Ev- anston. 'T!he imcrease at this 1nstl sengE ounty building in Chicago.. Loretta iCufeldt.ofNorthbrook;and Marion Porter of Glenview' Were the, winnerà inithe Northfleld town- ship contest. NOVE TO WZLMEITE Mr. and Mrs. George Karnes and their son and daughter; Bruce and ]Dorothy Jane, moved Tuesday. from their home at 151 Fuller lane, Winnetka, to the Linden Crest apart- ments at 504 Fifth street, Wilmette,. The Karnes' home 'on Fuller lane has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Young, -of Chica go, who are moving into the house this Week. l¶lghland Park. . 600 trucks per day McKinley road in Lake Forest.......700 trucçs per cay L.ake Bluff ........ 530 trucks per day Sheridan road at Great Lakes ...... 400 trucks per day The daily truck tramfc in MeCor- mick road at Dernpster street, Ev- anston averages 1,500 vehicles and 1,000 on McCormicjc road at Green Bay, the report discloses. Ask West Diversion %, Bay rod in Ilu ul&ger eisiana t tr14ie Uio ~uU1e gmete ...... ,00rrukaprda 2 markers should be removed. The metB......1000trcksienda property owners association and mnetka......... 450 trucks per day other bodies are working towarid n Bay road in' that end. Staff Photo 44 i $147