Miss, Burch ards lité in the high school began with the day it openiedits doors February 4, 1901. Picture the space ini the front cor- ridor ofthe old building, now oc- cupied by the generai office, Mr. Gaffney's. and adjacent offices, as One open" room - our assembly zoom forithe 72 pupis gathered here. thatfirst wVinter. At opening exer- cisei each morning, Miss Burchard st at the piano to accompany the chorus singing. 'She thus early. showed a capacity for varied contri- butions to the school work endlife. 1 aýugkt Engllu, French During that first winter she taught the French class hI ,additmion hais I I.!vI LAeU of the' raculty Jrama club; j Many a happy, refreshing eve- pinghas been. spent in her home in Glencoe in informai reading of plays or some more carefufly pre- iared performance or walking re- hearsals. Qui te recently she took the part of Mrs. Cody i "Dear !3rutus," a formai production of the club ini our auditorium.. The teaching of English was Miss Burchard's strong forte. Our ear-i fiest candidates for the severe com- petition, of the eastern colieges. often reported they had found themn- selves wel prepared by her teach- Ing for their coflege work i Eng- lish. Similar testimony continues to conne to us from her pupils of the oo the junior and' the senior classes, while the honor society ,is limnited to seniors whose grades have placed themn in'top scholastic rank. The names follow. Those marjced with an asterisk (*) are members of. both organizations: T. N. T. Menibers who were elected during the year 1937-38: Jack Davis, *Don Garret- son, D1ck Laflonte, *Bob Landon, Jack Lawson, *DeWitt Stilmian, Patty Chan- cellor, *Patty Harshaw, Mary Macalister, Jane Records, Margaret. Walker, Mary Wilder. Juniors elected- this ýyear: Kenneth C us m n ilam Dodd é. R obert Préi- JaePeterson, Ma deleine Pierce, Mar- garet 1RaYmond, SUsan Reic hmfann,, Elaine Rothermnel, Martha Russell. Shirley Scarratt. Martha Siefkln. Ber- nice Stein. Gerda Streicher, Harlme Ward, Gertrude Welnstock. Lois White- head. Aimee Wolff, Subi Wooten, Louise Yates. RO<ORED AT STEPÉÉNS Miss Irene 'Freund, dàughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Freund, 819 Michigan avenue, Wilmette. who is a freshman i Stepýhenis college, Columbia, Mo., has recently been elected te Tau Sigma Tau; honorary art sorority. Only, ten:students out me expansive purchae- *1 J,) t 1I