and bis wife were bouts, a, day of si gbtseeing on Tuesday, followed in the evening by'a banquet atý the SteVens hotel for Chicagoâns of Dan-, f ish descent. Swedlsh PrI»cess The Crown Princess, Young and noied for ber beauty. is the daugh- ter of Crown Prince Gustaf Adoif of, Sweden and. the late Princess Margaret of Great Britain, and. Ire- land., On .May, 4,and. 5. Chicago Wis tobe bost to Crown. PrinceOia-v and his: beautiful wife, Crown. Princess' Martha, heirs to the thro ne of King Haakon VII of Norway. Due to ar- rive in New York on April 27, the Royal couple will offlicially open the Norwegian pavillon at the New York World's Fair, while visitng Presi- Park. They will then depart on an extensive tour o! the United. States, including, after Detroit and Chicago, the Grand Canyon. Boulder Dam. Southern California. and San Fran- cisco. where on May i7 they will participate in a celebration of Nor- way' s Constitution Day. The Crown Prince .and Crown Princess will be accomplanied throughout their two The Crown Prince, so dearly be- loved by bis people. completely typi- fies the best of the Norwegian na- tional characteristies. Handsorne, tali and strongly built, he is gen- uinely fond of, and very expert in, all kinds of sports. but seriously in- terested as well in the -grave na- lier information is first hand and based upon actual*visitsto the countries and places which she stands ready to recornmerîd to Prospective traVelers and va- Going 10 Sweden >I.7~1. J14&ian's parente7, Mvr. and IVIs. August Julian, at Eskilstuna, Sweden. Mrs. Julian's mother, Mrs. Matilda Sehultis, who lives, with them, will make her home with her son, LIýoydSchultis, in BIGCHINEYRANCH' CAMPI I BOYS 6.20 gj4e!en C#wb4~! Hastings YMCA Camp * Ane.un,.s @ Two -Wek L~4 êd l's MHorses! Horsesi Morses! From Jun.. 1 91h lfo JuIy 1 st become the days' biggest events. Ail the thrills of the olden West will be reproduced for an exciting two weeks., Riding and instruction will be prominent activities and Hi-Yo, Silver will be the eall of the day as boys engage in an exciting series of special programns to inaugurate the' 1939 descent ini America to