The time has corne, thè season says TtaZcik of other things; Not NetsDeal plans nor Ettrope's, But babies,> nom are kings. Aprfi 30 to May 6 will be Baby. Week. Flowers, and gifts mark most speciall1y appoînted days such as Mothe's Day, but Baby Week is' not osre o the bestowal 'of rnateriàl things. Started by the In- fant Wlfare, Society of Chicago in 1914,ý it hasý become a yearly na- tional observance. Its aim is to spread the knowledge of how balaies cari be given that precious gift of the center Frank La] bers o! supper dai try club a hi- a l .n Dance $aturday nter of the Infant Wel- eponsors Baby Week ini is year the activities of aunder the dlirection of te. On April 29 mem- center w ill give a at the Shawnee Coun- on May 22 there wilI< ni at the Sunset Ridge i April 27, 193 Civi.c LeaguùeWiIl Hear About SewageDisposai S. N., T!deman, JEngin1eer., to Relate History of Sanitary TO Retire Dlstrlct's $60,000,000 Plan______________ esto Detemlue R.emen to Sgeto At a meeting >of its board of direc- tors Thursday of lait week, the Wil- mette Cliamber of Commerce def- initely decided to undertake the pro- motion of a progressive prograim of. changes li street names, and for the adoption of street marklngs that wil be more li keeping with a modern village than those now in use. The project, long discussed by the Cham- ber, la now te take form, and action wlll follow li the very near future. WouIl RFename Bireets While plans have flot yet been S. N. Tideman of Wilmette, a for- speaker at the monthly luncheon meeting, of the Wilmette Cive league Friday, April 28, in the Eng- lish room of Marshall, Field and company State street store. The luxicheon begins at 12:j5 o'clock and all residents of the.village are invited to participate. of 1,350u oabies and expectant rnotn- subject at thie Civi eague meeting ers receive medical supervision. will be: "The Sewage Disposal Health education in the homes by Works Constructed by the Sanitary nurses and nutritionists, and aid in District of Chicago." attaining mental healtb and right This work, now approaching com- habits of living. pletion, conssts o! a complete sew- Work là Stautins age intercepting* system, essentially police' sta- moved tion.. 'the end of Chie f Warrarnt Boatswain Rob-, ert Anderson, commanding off t- home oi nges, the king ýa si I I .. I reaçtion