iunerican Way D y George &au!- manù and Moss Hari. This play, starring Fredrie March and Plor- ente. Eldtldge, is- one of the most. Important plays appearing on Broad- way and is a vehicle worthy o! these exceptional character actors. "'The ýAmrerican Way" is a panor- ama of lite i a typical American small town from the time of Me., Kinley's élection to the prèsent-day. [t, depicts the Arnericanization i l1anguage, thought, and feeling of a German immigrant family .through three generations, showing Amer-m ica's graduai absorption of iôreIgn- ers and their metamorphMf R into 'Goden orfiEvanston, and Stepheri as-pite IthVe ok Steffens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gog rne nteYa ok Stefiens of Wilmnette. Gore The assistant hostesses wiUl be Mrs. C. D.' Ewer and, Mrs. Chadle The bride, given in marriage by R. Bixby.ý her icl, Bet Fsterof van$on, Mrs. John F. Weedon. will speak on worea prnicess wvedding gown of "Wild Flowers.'. Mrs. T. E. Mec- white applique lace with a white Elr-oy,, president of the club, has tulle veil held by a coronet of! pearîs. cal led a board meeting for 1: 30, the White orchids and white roses were day of the meeting. in her bouquet.. The, maid of honor. the bride's sister, Marion, was in apricot chiffon made floor length and on her hair she wore a cap of aprîcot tulle with a face veil. She carried blue iris and white sweet peas. TÉhe brides- mnaid, Ruth Jenness of Chicago, was gowned similarly in aquamarine chiffon and carried a sirnilar bou- Mrs. L. is leaving vacation in friendshI cisco, and G. Haines, of Wilmnette, Sunday for a mnonth's California., She willvisit Los Angeles, 'San YFran-ý Portlandà, Ore. Dinur reakfast was heW 'at the Homestead is wel- hotel. mission After, a wedding trip. to Hot Springs, the bride and bridegroom wili live i the 1100 block on Oak- wood avenue in Wilniette. ansfl Lub 0of wlm.ette 18sponsor- intg uncler auspices of its tvays aznd means committee, of which Miss Weiss is also a mem ber. Alexander WOolicott will be the speaker for the lecture wIhich concludes the series Tuesday eve- ning, May, 9. wa4A De UeJ.U .aMuraay evening, prl29, at the Glen View Country club. Arrangements for the party are being made by a commlttee of stu- dents headed by Miss Gladys Sea- berg, 2122 Pioneer road, Evanston, sophoffore social chairman; Miss Plas St yle Show The Mother's club of 'St. John's Lutliexan church is sponsoring a Runimage sale May 10 and 11, at 1177 Wlmette avenue. The doors wîll open at 7:30 o'cloek. Anyone having rumrnage to donate is asked to communicate with Mrs. Martin Ronald, 7 years tee.. the coi ais a Prom brother, I