Dr*. Alfred IL. wilUa ms, dean. of the Wharton School of Finance . and Commerce of the University' of Pennsylvania, milladdress a luncheon meeting of Pennsylva- nia alumni i the Chicago area Friday, April 28, at the Union *League club in Chica go. T he will- bé i 12:15 o'clocIç, will be held under the auspices of the Chicago Alumni so- ciety. subi, Dean Williams, who is an alurnus Chut of the university and bas been a Sund riihwh gadtoa In In t ill estates, and the Teôma" ~W ~ .W 0 6 of Pé> A1bl75.wt gadtt4dr allachs of '978 Oak street, - J.WINSTANLIY *IIGGS of 56 ce hossible ' M cotes Winnetka, hav ae h hatfield '23»0 Geen Day Bd. Evansto., ni. do>lyoe has nIcnetnt ijroad place. iUni. 176 thtwas 'way back' in 1932, when Clarence " «Goog" Dahi nade. -59. Goog was a soph in Varney's room M at the, time. lie later became oneOT E WA SY URP TO AH af tefnest cagers in NT history, A T Y URP OT GR H aswell as shining -i fboobalIl and basebail. 'Three others share the 56 record. Bill Schramnm (1932), Schuyler Wat- rous (1934) and, Bob Baptista,0. last year, turned the trick. 01he' "Bob Lindberg -was this seasonlsDy runner-UP with a 49 total."Da oSfer After Death" was e lesson-sermonini C hrist, Scientist, for was, 6 the vt a special Founde on Franklin's Bir 1940, and culmim of intensive act week o! SeptembE In a prog Ë during 1940j Icant bpirit. Fvor to be carnally mirided wihis death; but to be spiritually mnd. ,ance ed is life and peace" (Romans 8:5, S17, 6). ramn The lesson-sermon also includec the the following passages frorn the Christian Science textbook* "Science 1606. AVE., 1 ]