taicen as a crnter- ion. Large gains in three types of mortgage fin'an- cing were record- éd by the* pioneer Th eodore Buengermnortgage-banking firm during t he first three m onths of the present year, ac cording to a statemnent issuëd this we ek by Theodore A. Bueriger, presi- dent. Big Increase Over -Year In the regular type of mortgage financing," said Mr. Buenger, '"that is, conservative 10w-rate *mortgage (that are purchaseci by insurance companiies and trusts) -without FHA thiews, Vice-president of, Baird _& Warner Our gross -sales. in March Ihiyear totalled $600'000 which wa lightly above our gross sales forwMarch of .1938," said, Mn. Mat- thews.,Our dollar -volume- per salesman at the end. of the-first quar- ter this year. also showed a slight increase oven 1938. "There was a * slowing down of sales thé flirstweek in April due to Easter. However, since Easter there has been a steady pick-up n sales and we believe April sales volume will be very satisfac-tory as comnpared with last year. "Buyen s a re againr ec ogni 1z ing the 'Wondenful>buys that -are, to be made NORTH SHIORE LOAN..HEADQUARTERSý'. Simply tell us youir requirements-we will arrange ail the dotails and secure the requirèd lban at lowest possible cost.