announeci mat Up to .±vonday eve- nlng receipti were about $20,000 less than last year's total. .However, '.despite th e falllng off m -total cash tàken in, le collected somhetb'ing like -500- more itemsâ, which iW considered' a good omen, hie said, i that it- indicates more people are paying their taxes local- ly. . Hs total collections last. year amounted to $1,351,217. Collector Hale. is now in the pro. cess of balancing his books, and e x- plained that anyone who bas flot paid bis taxes should cail on him, as there is a possibiity that lie may be enabled to include their payments before delivering the New Trier books to the Çounty treasurer. Earlier Destribution Town flouse Photo Mis. Avis Clamitz Shulmain, wife eof Rabbi Char les E. Shul- man of the North Shore Congre- gation Israel, is to be the speaker next Sunday mornng at 9:30 o'elock at t h e ioung Faniily Welf are Association As forecast in this paper several Months ago, the bulli. very simple. and merely provides for a lawfui contract between any overlapplng elemeritary and high school district by which the highischool could ré- mand the ninth or other grades tb the elementary school for education ipn a tuition basis to be paid for out they are paida ait] .Since the first monies on Marci, Dedicatiom taxi e lias Is SlforIMay 14 ýi of 6 mette Family Welf are associat Iwill be held at 8 o'clock lM day evening, May 1, in the offl of the association, 905 Ridge ro Wilmette. $40,- ;erve, $8,000. [age, $15,000, a total of villagei,$9,000, a totali of met vilae,$2,00Oatoalo Wilmette village, $5,000, a total o consecration h. been associate ish, Father Me The cboir, unc Fred Budingex, George Arns, rehearsing on some time. ave oniating at the names of four new aeat some time to be elected at th ýd with tbe par- The retiring mnei ýNamara added, places are to- be der the leadership of Dewey Anderson, 2( director, and of present chairman organist, bas been ation; Mrs. George special music for avenue, Mrs. C.E -of elementary classes,- three yýears r s whs. of, junior high, achool, and three cl re F ,years of senior bigli scbool, instead oftare f eight years of elementary grades teassoci- and flour years of bigli school. The lie 120Lk iaw would be of service only in. 1240 La730e communities that foflow, the dual ates, P730 system. .11rs; Pat-1 flvto ll+he friuw- jire ýurgeu t>Jne public is cordially other, the leythet coe I the j of la * L Imamimmimul