Sweet, Rpe Ilinois Beriies- Quart.c Sc orWAX SPINACN NS Young.1 tender, fasy- clean leeves- erepared A brawn buildei 17c 31b.19C Exra large and: meafýy.. hrimp salad makes a de- lus luncheon enre-, .4 forI An go... Brea.dSticks. l p o r ted Italian brçead sficIks-So good with ý the soup or salad course. pkg. Rivoli Olive Off Importecl virgin olive oil-.Rich in flavor and vifamin c'ontent--Makes a most delicious F r e n c h dressng- Quart- 95-c CREAMING ONIOPMS Smaillize, sweet flavor -Just right for boiling and serving with butfer, or crearnng- 27c doL 35c Home - mde f ru itf cookies-Fuli of fruitf and nus- Commodore Mayonnaise. 0wnbraànd of rich, creamy :salad dressing that-[s wond.rfully smnoofh and seasoned to pedfecfijon- quart 49ç c9 LAKE SUPIRIOR WHITE FISIl So good when baked, garnished with broil.d to- matoos, and new potates- .lb . 31c MOES WINESAP or AI MALIBUT Fyin butter or 27cy maeinrilk-lb. Àf. POT ROAST A welcome enfre.' any day of the week-Fine for en oven- 23 coolced meal-lb.23 12 for 25c I Triple A dy' Ripe and s' afwelcom. chý the lin. of Ifrut- IL weet-A So goo~d when sliced, iange in dipped in egg and Fo 19 1 crurniS, and 1 9C I of or i Cfried-,ach' hambur, GREE~Nc BEA Tender, Easily pi 21. 27c' er =