I uaran*.ed for twlce as long! Il-i Extra comfort for a,. cigarete o dey. T-hc difference ini price between the new, de-eper Beau-tyrest and an ordinary mattress. . is no more- than the cost of smroking one cigarette aý day . j.ust a trifle when you consider the long years of luxu-rious -comfort the new, Beautyrest gives. proof edges. Thne sag-proof teature keeps the siae walis erecr and neat at. ail times . . . bringing "mid-mattress" comfort to, the very edges of the bed! Fo. less turimnqwlth this new lernifyresf! ]Because ýit stays clean and fresh inside .. . because it doesn't get lump>' ... you do poQt hav'e to tiurn your Beautyrest so often. Turn it according to your usual custom the first several months, until the feit padding bas "leveled." After that, turn it oni>' four or. five times a year!' Think of the tir.ing Jabor. New Iocatyr.st sf$ys le**end froBh lusidel Each new Beauty- rest has eight ventilators. These ventilators expelstale air from in- side. And inhals dcean, frcsh air! So the Beautyrest stays dry and sanitar>' inside. uf your feet, yi)Ur ýendently to the different weight s ps, your body, y.our arins *of your bôdy flot onliy forces down the sp you, but it forces down ail the others, too out ýof shape, formîng. siopes and hollows. eneath9 and pounded by a 2oo-lb. roller at the United States Testing C a., Inc., laborator>', s thein Hoboken, N. J. Even after 489,000 poundings . .. the Beautyrest showed ho signs 0f > breaking down. None of the other- mattresses tested stood up ewvn one-third as long! I carry and \ \. L ( ~ k»: Accossories