tr '...orale- irom Wag- ý'Die Meistersinger" and with selections fÉrm Ensembles to Perforni The choir and th~e boys' and girls' ensemrbles, WVho recently sang on a1 coast-to-coast radio network wiil be heard. Alfred Spouse, director'of music of 'the Rochester board of éducation, recently declared to Mrs. Cotton: I.:cannot refrain fromn. telling youi about the great joy 1 had .in listen- ing to. your radio prograrn on the 'Music and American Youth' series. In My opinion the girls' eénsemnble wvas equal to any professional group of girls' voices which. I have ever heard on the big-time radio 'pro-,- ,gra m s." '4Swftrg" Acompament The music chosen for the concert' is not il serious. it wvas ecplained. Recreatiônal singing will be done by the boys' gie clubs. It will con- sist of two semi-popular song,,s one' * of w,ýhich will be "The Song of theý Drums- by Rom berg and the. other' w ~ il1 be "The Song of the Bayou" with a swing accompaniment ar- ranged by Richard Finney,: New * Trier student. on Wednesday evening of next>week at, Hoffman hall, -Ridge road, Wil- mette. The meetinghas, been arranged by Deëmocra tic Township Comnmit- teemnan Thomas. J. Lynch.. Judges William V. Brothers, Philip J. Finnegn, Grover C. Niemeyer, Kickham> Scanlan, George 'Fred Rush, and Daniel Trude will attend, it w as announced. Accompanying them will be Ulysses S., Schwartz, former Chicago alderman, and can- didate for a Superior court vacacy Harry Roberts, président of the New Trier, Democratie organization, will preside over a united harmony Estie of Mrs. James. O. HeyWorth (DECEASED) Remnoved from Lake Forest., Illinois fo our Scalesrooms- 229 South Wobash Avenue, TUESDAY. MAY 23rd - 2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M.l Exhibition Monday, May 22nd Wiiiams,..Barker &.Severn C. EstabIisheci 1879 1A tkeib on r j '-*- -* -*# j. NO OTHER LOW-.PRICED CAR LECTURE ON4 INDIA Travel-minded RepubIicans and leaders of clubs and organizations will be the guests of the Womnan's division of the Cook County Repub- ican Central committee at the La- Salle hotel, Tuesday evening, May 23, at 8 o'clock when Marcia Rice, well-known travel-lecturer will pre-, * S.for. youé d.cdd on any new car', I..m for yoùrselIf why this y.ors For'd .wes ore ooking s. plous.d end so proudi ... TlaW're driving ehat gave te. U S MILEACE of mli leadi.g Icw-,priÎ . i.s laehi Yer'8 Gilmore-Yosemlee Nconomy RBa!(8.5 IL P. Ford V. a.) Tbey stop with the 8188EST NTORAUVLIC BRUES eve put on a low-priced car! 12-inch TIey eojoy te MOU AIVAICES SMOUI ila drums,. 162 square icosttl rk gsrfc. e s 'low-price. fel.. ner's opera will close "Aida.',