4pVAITAGE5 For IPolk Uancing: -Donna Barnes, Phyrllis, Bergstrand,, Peggy Chapin, May- S lijiff,,Mary: Ann MacLean, Sona akar, Marilyn Moberg, Jeanne Moon, Marjorie Mortenson, Mary Lou Qilar, and ,Joan Smith. For dancer: Donna Barnes, .May Tiff (second time), Sonia Makar, Marilyni Môberg, and Mai-y Lou Olar. For home nurse: Phyllis 13ergstrand, May TIlff, and JanSmith. For caÏmperaft: Donna Barnes, Phyllis Bergstrand, Peggy' Chapin, May I1f, Dorothy Krohl,. Mary~ Ann. MaeLean,,' Jeanine Moon, Dolores Pape, Laure tta Schleier, Joan Smnith. and Betty.Tanner. For gardener:, Phyllis Bergstrand, Peggy Chapin, May fliff,*Doirothy Krohl, and Joan Smith. For flower finder: Peggy Chapin, May TIff, and Joan Smith. Silver stripes in recognition of five 'Vear's continuous registration.were given to Peggy Chapin, May Il1f, Mary Ana MacLean, Jeanne Moon, Joan Smiith, Betty Tanner, and the troop's leader, Gold stars for perfect àttendance went to May fliff and Jeanne Moon, and a silver star went to Peggy Chapin for 95% attendance. After the awards had been dis- tr~Ibuted, the troop surprised their assistant leader, Miss Dorothy Bell, by giving her a miscellaneous show- er in anticipation of her approaching marriage on May 26. The commit- tee in charge of the entertainment know tnat woric in it will Decoun- ed toward the readers badge. For further information, see Miss Mc- Kay at the Wilmette library. Troop 9 Friday, May 19, Troop 9 will have its well deserved award for winning the cookie sale contes t by spending the night at'the Girl Scout cabin. While they are there the troop wil have a court of awards. READT 0 W CKLmmruaSTUMU IDOIL's 501k IimmDI61939 ALL STANDARD OIL DEALERS