Mrs. Elmer Becker, Mrs. Sawyer Smith, Mrs. Albright Bray, Mrs. *Clayton Dunham, MÈs. William Butt- ner. Mrs. Kelly Davie, Mrs. Harry Hardwick, Mrs. Walter Nielson, and Mrs. Rosalie Carlson- comprising. the executive, board" Will entertain the m-emfbership at.luncheon at- 12:30. o'clock. After luncheon the annual reports covering> the activities of North Shore Friends and of thé school dur- ing the past year, -will be read by' the, iv arious, officers. Following will be a vote by the membership on the -recommenda.tions. prepaired by the nominatinig committee for new officers And rnembers of the execu- tive board. At the close of the business, seïs- sion the new board will be welcomed and plans for the coming year will be discussed. Members- are requested to phone their reservations by Saturday, May 20, if possible, to Mrs~. Gordon Smith. Annuel Circle Meeting The North End circle of the Wil- mette Congregational church willl Du Bois-The Drake The Wilmette-center of the, Infant Welf are Society of Chicao wilt.observe fts-.,twent7j-ftfth an- niversary at the annUai spring luncheon to, be hel1d Monday at Sunset Ridge Country. club at. 1 o'cloick. At that time Mra. Fred E. Parry of 622 Maple avenue wf.Ui give a tallc on the history of, the center and, its aetiiies. To Oulline History cf Cenler at Luncheon Mrs. Fred E. Parry of Wilmette ~wil speak-en-te wc-snof -h twenty-fifth anniversary of the Wil- me tte center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago at the annual spring luncleéon and bridge at Sun- set Ridge Country club, on. Monday, May 22. The Wimette group, to- gether with Highland Park, supports the Alice H. Woods station on Hal- st~ treet, where mothers bring * Neat littie pin dots, trirn a nd ,orderly . .. Always fres.h and ,cool-looking, for the of. frcefor. the -club, or for * shopping in town. Made, Up. in triple sheer Benberg * reyon.' Right: Yolcéd through waist and shoulders. White pique coller. S izes 9 to I17. Brown, * navy, .Iuggage,* copen. Lower lefti White Éric'krock fraeming yourneck and r'. Lower center: White gros- grai ribbon trimming; yern flowers et woist. Sizes 12 to 20. Luggage, copen, wine,' navy, krown. Lower right: Net applique on neclc andc sleeves. Sizes 9 to 17. Navy, copen, brown. Ready-to-YFear- Second FlooT is 12:30 o'clock. in its spIeflOid work. Npectators) SHOE SALON~ 1 C~UN n 3QývRt1'VANL5To4 N 'N N