SThere are more than one hundreci Corneli women in the Chicago area. 0f that numfber eleven have, alrea'dy: contributed-.$145 to the ,council this 1 year. The Chicago: area has beené grouped in, Classý T), areas- having1 betweeth one-hundred and two-;hun- dred alumnae, and Mrs. Merrifield"ý committee will compete with others min the same group for top honors ini that classification. The chapionshjp of Americae universities in the numnber of con-I tributing alumnni vas won by Corneil Wn 1929-30 when it first called thei roll patterned after the famnous roll cails of the Red Cross. The goal of.;- the Roll cali this year is to better the records of Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth, present leaders in aluni- ni contributors. "Is yôur name writ- ten there?" is the -Roll call ques- t1w-lebrwch~' w111 be anis\Vercd(, by Cornellians in Wilmette. During March. unrestricted. or Alumni fund gifts totaled $5,667.49 tht, best NM ai-ch figure 'M seven Ea stern Star Events The card party held at thie Ma-, sonic temple on April 2, was spon- sored by Mrs. M. T. Werner, Mrs. W. B. Wiemers, Mrs. J. 0. Con-, verse, Mrs. W. T. Jones, and Mrs. H. C. Sanders, On May Il there wvas a stated meeting with Mrs. H. W. Oakwoodý AI only a smali aidded cost you can have the protection of a STATE BONDED STORAGE VAULT for your valued FURS and WEARING APPAREL The s8torage rate la 2%1 of the valuation you place on them -xclusive of cleanlng charges. Coats,, minimum valuation $1.00.00. storage charge $2.00. These charges are payable only at the expiration of one year or at the time of delivery if requested hefore thai tinie. ing for the I.