Joan Blondeli opened wondering eyes on walls patterned Ike a Per- sian shawl. Paris! 0f course! She frisked through a shower, devoured a flaky -roissant withher cafe auw lait. 1:5and she tripped, the rue die Rivoli gaîly, withbright glances a t't he Domne! S h esipped, a, <bock a nd watch- eud the Montpar-, JoanBlonelinasse parade- frivolous and' freakish as Hollywood Bouleva rd. 2:45. Taxi to a grand couturier for a glorious extravagant jbour. Then tea and peti.s or tRupl Mnayer. lsfusajwp1 .5 p.m. Taxi up, the Champs-Ely- sees. past the massive. arch blocked against the sinking sun. into the leafy wvindirig coolness of the Bois de Boulogne. James Featured in "Wif e, Husband and Friend," sophisti.cated com- edi, opening tomorrow at the are Binnie Barnes andi Cesar Rom ero. The film co-stars W<ir- nier Baxter and Loretta Young. FIGHTER FILM REFEREE Frn Mora* nnrAwnr..t b AIqxv- To Montmartre weight prize ftght champion, isr 7 .p.m. To Montmartre to dine oni er eeing the fight between Wal a red and white cloth Chez Mari- Pidgeon and Nat Pendieton in "61 anne. Then taxi to Casino de Paris. Eneie.' 12:15. Tax'i tô Chez Josephine OTPIVTIWV 'ce1 f 193' NORSiIORE_ Hoqward Nemi Clark IFrlday, 8:45 P. M.I" ITTERBUGI VaretSwig-SboJ mousie Fridey-f@r luffre WeekI ANOTHER DOUBLE. I HIT PROGRAM ýWorner Saxter -L@reffa Y.emgi I iale. larmes "WifeHusbaud en riend" ET Iay [or ry AND IN "M Knock, knock! "Miss Blondeil! Director Hall is waiting. Ready on the. set for. your scene with Melvyn Douglas!" .Reality! The Columbia Studios in Hollywood and -Good Girls Go to Paris'-a picture whose urge en- chants a star even as she 'relaxes -- moment in ber dressing'room! *PIPES OFFEREfl BEERY A Pennsylvania fan wants to, Wallace Beery his collection IVeerschaum pipes, whîch he assE are the finest in the country. *Fr1., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Turs., Mday 19-20-2i1-22-3-=2-25 "4LOVE AI VAIRI" "PYGMALION" I L Irene Oulfe uLeslle Howard Charles noyer SWendy RAfler NOV