LOCKERBIE STREET:« wiLME¶9TE 147LTN2-lte EAST KENILWORTH Yeu can live as luxuriOuslY Or as simply' as you wîsh in :this charmning old-modernf home. The interior opens up beaUtifullY for entertaininfg. Yourý children are near bath grade and high - àheols. Five family bedrmns. including a- delightful third fleor room for the boy. *who wants te, get off byý himself- - three baths - beauti- fui yard-The most house we know of in Kenilworthfe r the mnoney-$24,0OO. QUINLAN &,TYSON, INCý. 584 incln ve.Wlnfl. 177 584 LncolnAve.147LTN'2-ltc _IÂEL COUNTIRY ESTATE- ,9 rm. modern col. 31/2 bths., rec. rm., weli. landscaped grds., caretaker's cet., orchard, sm. lake stocked with sev- oral varleties et *ish. 3 hole golf course, underground sprinkling system. Cest $6Çl,00t will maice drasticecut for quick sale. MILTON E. REID & CO. 156 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka 1492 147LTN2-ltp OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 P1ER1ECT SMALL HOUSE YOU NI Only $70 CO'd. transport 5room )Q]\4IN BYN snew 6 room Cape rcond. 4 blocks te 3. ,eodeled . and new- $5,500, small down 'per me. t.t>AN L 4 bedrooms, 3 porches, 1H. gar.. in fine cc 660 Green -Bay Y CO., AGTS. Winnetke 254 147LTN2-ltct SIX, RM. BRICK BUNGALOW 830 Park ave. -Wilnette. à bedrüoms, screened front porch. built-in rear porch. Insulated, Gas h. w., heat. 2 car gar. Large attic. Deep lot. Large tree. ,Cenv. te stores, trainsp. schooL $7,750. ýmafl down paymhent. 1299. No brokers.. -1 147LTN52-4tp PARTIES BUYING' FROM US NOW can have.,free temperary rent tili they get possession 'of any they-buy. PAVLIK REALTY 614 Greéen By rd., Kenil. Kenllworth 2016 147LTN2-ltc RAVINIA $5.500 7 rm. shhingle residence, 1,2,.baths, some reconditioning necessaryý C. Can Deur- sen, 1101 Forest Avenue, Wilmette, Tel. Wilmette 2440. 147LTN2-ltc IDÉAL HOME FO R CHILDREN; close to Catholic and publie sehools, near Ridge and Lake business center. Income. te Oct. if purchased now. 3 bdrms., 11,i baths. Gre. 2414. 147LTN2-ltp FOR HOLC HOUSES IN HIGHLAND park, Lake Forest, and Lake County see HILL AND STON9 372 Central ave., Highland Park. Contract Management and Sales Brokers rooms. Nice 1( ibard Woodis. C. LAKE CATHERINE, NEAR ANTIOCH, 1.11. Modern 9 rm. 1 1/2 bath residence., 2 car-gar., lg. wooded lot, bathing bch., sea wall,, pier. Complete for' famaily. Will sacrifice. Details,& direction apply L. N. Place,'St. Wilmette 1793. 153LTN2.ltp 155 SUMMER IIEUORTS VILLA DUCHIN 7 EAGLE RIVER, WIS. Modern.Heusekeeping Cottages S .Approved AAA Lodge. Write fer folder. Gentiles. 155LTN52.Stp ACCOMMODATIONS IN P R I V A T E. home for 6. Yacht harbor beach. Write Augusta :cottage, Macatawa Park, Mich.15LNlt 156 FOR RENr--suMMER COTAGES TO RENT: BEAUTIFIYL HOUSE (LOG Cabin) modern ln every respec~t in Hay- ward regiori June 1st to September lst, Betr£reçQsAloflo boat wlth. Johnson Motor, Excellent flsh- ing. $1,000 for season. JOHN O. MORELAND Hayward, Wiscensin 156LTN51.4tp 159 RESOR? PROPERTY LAKE SANDY BEACH WOÔDED ACREAGE This briefly describes about 37 acres 160, FINEST BE $50 perf li <WILM] . Seli ail or in particulars cal PAIR ANTIQUE CHAI1IS, TEA CART, chest of drawers, bureau, desk,]radio, gas stove, ice box. bird cage, miscel- laneous household furnishinigs.. Winnetka- 2511.L1TN-t GREEN PAINTED IRON DOUBLE BED with. aljnost new ,aluminum -finish spring, inatching green dresser $10: Lge. Thor ironer $15. Wilmette 3159. *171LTN2.ltp BEAUTIFUL. LAMPj.S,,SERVICE plates, $10; sblid vnahogany double bed, innersprings & mattress,' $10'. :2 porch. beds coniplete, $7. Glencoe 792. * 171LTN2-ltp BARGAIN, 3 DOOR GENERAL ELEC- trie refrigerator.* 6 burner stove. Like new. Other furnishings. Displayed at Evanston Fireproof Warehouse, Railroad' ave. Evans. 171LTe2ltp P L A Y PEN,, BASSINETTE, BABY scales, chiil's roomn linoleumy, 9X12 chenille rug, broom cabinet; library table, iron grills fýar dors .and wndws steel folcing cot; Wilmette '832 or 3369. 171LTN2-I tp BEDROOM SET, BLUE AND GREY enamel. Single bed and spring, dres- ser, table and chair; good condition. Suit- able for maid or child. $12 -complete. Wilmette 3406. . 7LTN2-ltp DETROIT J EW E LL RANGE, ALL white, oven regulator; lawn mowver; boat in excellent condition, aiso Tuxedo. size 37. Call Wilmette 4579. 171LTN2-ti HAND-CARVED rtable, 4 drawers. Reasonable for imrr Cati Irv- rLTN2.ltp ýVE, 1938 ng stove, ýasonable. 171L2-ltro FIOGANY mïal cost I ..(Continued on page -1 - 1,