The new type pf "Plain ýShade" that everyone . has hen waiting for! Éatiernçd teixtire1 effeeti that show: no footprlntse Woven ivlth ail the strength. of the -wiltonl weave. EXPERT R#UG CLEANING Ou, Mo dermi c.geleanlng plant is well eqiipped to haitdie any mizc, carpet as wc aré npeialims5inu ouly floor, coverings. Sq. Yd. Up .1107 GrVeeiilvaf Ae i NViiiwte1204) 30- YEARS IN WILMETIT OtJft RECOMMENDATION fineui grades of. uise. Witt% deIivery Phones: Wlhete 1300- Wimnelka 3386- Glence 75 UnsuxiIJçs * inpany COAL-FUEL GIL-ICE W!E HAVE SERVED TYHE N ORTH SHORE FO.R OVER A QUARTER 0F A CE NTUR-Y t] .1~