Jack Wieae (le ft) was elected présidlent of the TirShip club, boys' organization at New Trier Township *Uigh achool, Last week, and Joan Goodnow (right) was named to head the Girls' club. Other officers-elect of the Girls' club, whose faculty sponsor is Miss Dinner Dance at Lulu E. Wright, are: Marion Wool- hiser, vice-president; Jeanne Cleary, Shawnee Saturdlav secretary; and Peg Pierson, treas- . tirer. enet. Two interesting events are marked BobBent is the new'vice-presi- on the Shawnee Country Club, social dent of thé Tri-Ship club, and Dick calendar for this week, the final pro- Buenger is secretary-treagurer. Com- gram of the Shawnee series of cm-. mitpt raimA wl1 bh. Tfm Mahle. ema revivals and the club"s spring niversary year of dedication for the ornate and spacious gothie struc- ture i which the Methodists of the Wilmette Parish-.worship:; the. first year of history and'advance, for the New Methodist. denominationi re- cently formed by, the union of Meth- odismh's three major branches. Anniversary observance will, be, the pivot around 'which the various organizations of the church will cen-. ter their activities during, the next twelve months. Weicome New Members Two ïignificant occasions on June 4 will, launch, the anniversary year. These will be a worship service at il ,a.m. and a Membership tea frorn Aprons H1tadkerchief Free WIth Each Purdase MILADYS LINGER1E and HOSIERY SIIOP 178 Prairie Ave., Wilxnette