AlsoPres Lae Pech ad eThe music for the morlilng worshlp service, arranged by Miss Erma Rounds, organist and director, wl 1 be as foi- lows: organ prelUde. 'Hymn of Glory" (dedicated ta, the A merican Legion) «Yon: processionai, "God the AllI.Terribie"-, an-. them, ý'Gôd of Our Fathers," Schneckei, solo. "The Unknown Solier," Scluberti 1O'Hare, Edward Otis, soloiÈt;,organ pst- lude. "Liberty, March,- Frysingler. The Sunday sehool wi I meet ln al departments at 9:30 o'ciock. The Aduit Bible class will meet for study at 10 o'clock.,.[n our study of 'Great Prayers of the Bible," we wili speciaily discuss the question of "Does, God Ever Change His Mmnd?" We in- vite you to study with us. The Tuxis club will hoid its Iast meéet- ing for the season Sunday, evening a 5:30 o'clock n the chapeL. The toi FOaI Une of ýFish BEAU THE WANT ADS Satwuday and Sunday Specùd BRICK *Source of Gladness". . P. Gerhardt1 Offertorv-Recitativo and Chorale.............. GuilMant The Sermon-"The Word of .the Spirit"ý ... 1. Corinthian s 2:6-13 Postlude-Introduction to -Gothique Suite.....Boelmann ly, we soon, forgot it in favor of an interestingqutiz and,,discuission held.. while, we rested. on. the grassy har- bor edge. A mnarvhlng drill. was held in. ýWashington park, and the resuits of our drillsar quite noticeable Linen citele. today, with Mrs. C. Muel- 1er. 814.Park, avenue. Martha Guiid. today, 3 p.ltn.; tour of. PlilliPu Chinatown, 5 pm. During the late part' of the meet- Winnetka circle, Friday. 8 P.YTI. with ing, Ordinary Sea Scouts tried their Mrs. Bertha Dehmiow, 892 Elm street. bn tpligi h conr Sunday sehool. staff, Friday, e pj-i ada iIigi h con Seni or Walther league.: Sunday, 5:30. while the Apprentice Sea Scouts ex- Ladies'> Aid society, next Thursday, 1 perienced the same in a ;skiff. The. p.m., pot-luck luncheon. ýschooner was under the command ___________ iof Skipper Fred Maas, while Mate VW(EJ1UARMA%T IEd Colegrove gave pointers ta L. RIVAL HoT.Uý STOKIY'S F1U41ST DLIIIJEWIL AMÉRICAN FAMILYt SOAP FLAKES 37 PALMOUIVE OR DRObAEDARY MIX FOR OGiMerbwead P . 9 DROMEDARY MIIX FOR n.,u'ls v..a KS «UL'T WAX PAIS DROMEDARY Itsui4mWSX Tapie«..~? o Wednesday Evening Bible Hour neet at 8 o'ciock, and we wili the book cf Ezekiel. We invite o nieet with us. e Anierican Institute otf ngineers at Rensselaer institute, at Troy, N. Y. 15 a sophomore in the gitieering course. am Atwater is returning $PO MORS CAI#D PAR~TY aiid IV of Our Lady, of Perpe »R 46-07-CAN 5 13. o. I.PK<EG 5353 WILMETTI CHOICE CUTS 15