midnijgu' wI iitnony a ir.ceb -.-lui -& ner. While many bis were reported sented carrying the names of the out'favorably by the varlous cOm- sponsors of the two qpposine bils mittees, many bis were sent to Rpeetatives Peters, Clabauixh, sub.comlTlittees. Ail through the ses- Nopere and Van. der Vries. Tn , the, sion sub-committees, have worked new bis thp school districts having diligently upo n.bis and'have often boards of directors (the one roorn suggested arnendmeflts which. have sehools) wili have the oôption o! sub- made the bis workabie but at t his rnitting to the Tax commission but stage of the Assembly, with only'siXhebdt submitted to the State xeeks to go. a sub-comIWittee',Isl Superinenderit of Publie Instruction usually cons idered the burying place} in order to secure State Aid- must f or a bill. Sponsors of bis usually be *posted in- coispiculous. places ti plead with ail their .powers not to! the district and there must be a have the bis referred to such a corni- hearing scheduled between the Urne mittee. On. many other, bis the ni the posting, and. the adoption of question of a quorum is being raised the tax levy. in order to prevent a. bill fromn re- -Parole Bis, did niot have the dis- ceiving favorable or unfavorable cussion which was anticipated- for consideration. last week. -- ....ixyA - 4 t.. r hAi.,vnct urs held oa ~~"' VFSU-TW0 gold riummd giauSU wih 1dm purdhias.f 6 bolliesf Aui. 11,01111111-.1 aâm onte s.v.mo.s - oay varoUse. HOE BEVERAGES 6 1. 50C RLLLV UÙ FLKES &13-oz. pkgs. U UIvu Cvysai Fne OvUhuiobSd 14* Ibm.db ~UUIEUWPURE CANE '01 lado;* PFWUflUI SUGAR 10 ih.. la doth boit8 V og bill was defeated in the committee. In the Committee on Municipalities the question of a quorum was raised by the %vriter on the Ryan Bill which would force every municipal and schooi employee to reside in the rniunicipality where they were em- ployed. Rush Appropiatin Bis qpoflsored oy* theC Union 'as opp)onen taxes for Chicago fact that all mea considered at oncg hearing of the Mu mittee on the taxn 3to cmpha H oir m el ' , M e 2 9o many uses, 12-oz. cnýc IDAHO RUSSET Nia&twes 10 bO1 c in sucfl a situi'i-ionmly--- . fui o buiness wýouid die on the that the funcis avaiuiatbi0 rom retired cfuendarbut n h oh i ad bonds will be used to purchase the there are many bils which are neces- addt_ __l land sary for varjous districts and many ;- welfare measures which would be William F. Beebe, o! Wiimette, o! benefit to large numbers o! citi- was recently initiated into Triangles., zens which would suifer the same Junior honorary engineering society fate.at the Uniersity o! Michigan. The rnerbers of the Assernbly ______________ SALE 0F HOLIDAY MEATS AT NATIONAL MARKETS HAZEL OR 5WIFT&S PREMIUM SMOKED HAM SoHIfl.241/c skhmned, ExcesFat emnoved-FuU Hputt Ealf..............lb.M.27c air-PIC £PECIALK Dýnjèëjç., Sweet Nut Flo»r. FOnCY 1 Wlicànsl'n Stde Smad ui.ýZIZc ,4 , . ý