mfust answer in view of tfleir eild's need is: "What do I expect the camp to,do for my chld, during the time .sp e nt at The length of time spent at, c am p is espe- cially. important if a great deal. is excPected' in the way of increased. * skills and chang- Sed attitudes or 4djustments. Parents who are d eciding 'for the >first time t hat *MarJorieLeary their c hil dre n Bernie Photon e ed c a mp should not expeet them to learn to learn to sail or ride or develop an overpowering interest in nature lore in a week or two in a short-term camp. Itecreational Feature A short term at camp is a recre- ational feature and offers a child a change from his home surroundings an-d parents. In scout camps it of- fers an opportunity to continue with George H. Dickerson, Jr.,, son of Mr. and Zba. <George H. Diclc- erson, 416 Sheridan road, Kenil- ident of Phi Kappa Sigma fra- ternit y at the University of Ili- nois. Mr. Diekerson, a lent with a high sel tge, has been taking usativities. He hý ma Phni, nonorary journalism soror- ity, at the recent May Day celebra- tion. Miss Wolfe, a memnber of Ri Omega, social sorority, is a, student li the school of education. he is a mexnber of the student couneil, Y.W.C.A., and the Womnen' s Self- Government association. Miss Booz, a member ci Delta Del-' ta Delta, social sorority, las dome excellent work in the department of psychology. She is presidént o! the Women's Self-Government associa- tion and of the Mortar, Board, an honorary senior women's solciety. Theta Sigma Phi,1 as a proféssicmaf soclety, annually honors women who have displayed professional attitude in other fields., GLEE CLUB PRESIDE?4T Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Miller, 610 Forest avenue, Wilmette, re- ceived word this week that tlieir -daughter, Jean, lias been elected -president of the Glee club at Brad- -ford Junior college in Massachu- ,r setts. Miss Miller will be a senior rat Bradford next year. Dfrsdm' - Mmmv V. Tour TMk #0 LAC LA CROIX, Boys Camp N...r the.Ceadia, Border li the Arrwi.od Cuhyy of Nrtm.ra fthes@o fering over 1 a to 18. ,e your son a y vacation, of- activities. Boys shortest camp period is one montfl, un ±ueuauvr express dissatisfaction With the ac- M.adMs complishments of these, Mren one-month campers. f600 CetrYaor Longer Perlod Valuable Mediterranean i We advise parents who are send- ing in Itaîy tliey ing their children to camp for the to Ireîand by wý first time, especially if they are un- and London. A skilled, to send themn to camp for terest they 'are the. entire summer, whether theY berg university are being sent to private camps or mann was a SI for BOYS AND GIRLS #011 Cbidr.e ta tbr.ugb dolag I I