Woman's club from Monday througll Friday of next week. It is the Fitth An=ual' event of its kind sponsored by the Chicago ,]Rockford Coilege club and dlrected, by, Mrs., James Hlobbs of Glencoe. *Mrs. John Compton of Glencoe is chairman of the club's wayrs and means cçom- mittee Mincharge of the event.'Mrs.. John, Page of Evanston is pr .esi- dent of the club. Forty dealers frôm the East, and as far west -as Colorado, have en- tered the show. which . 5 arranged, tbroughout the, clubhouse, itself a. fit- ting background for* a display of period things-glassware, china, fur,- rilture, pictures. jewelry, sllverware -in fat alnl that mpeUh "antiques." the doors ef en te spec- ssion charge nto the fund im at Rock-, mn which is w library to ear. of alumnae )assist the ttee ini spon- m ae, Miss 'age. 1 r committee m, Mrs. Har- Blaohnxan, Doris Tonk, Mms Wilbur Is, Mrs . 0» .arris. rs E. L. Ray Photo Mandel Brothers Photo Mrs. Art hur Lee Fuller, at the left, T*tiwing presi4leri of the Woman's guild of the Wilmette Pariah Method.ist church, will preside a t f h pTil ý iTtî i g o nT ?e 1 t 1 .1 0 b e ô k , nt h e m é Ô m è h ý r o ô m . MT:. Erskîne M. Jeffords will conduct the ingtallation of officers at the annual guild meeting, and is hostess today (Thursda y) to the Wom an': Missionary society bf the church on the occasion of the annual mite- box opening at 2 o'clock. Lake Forest's ,on thie Sheridan roadi estate of [rs. Kent S. Clow. In the. house will be staged, un-, Circle l'o Have Annuel The first course will be serve d at the home of Mrs. Clarence S. Coates. 1730 Washington avenue, the second course at the ho-me of Mrs. Herwig C. Teeppen, 1200 Elmwood avenue, and the third at the home of Mrs. Jacob Jacobson, 111 Garrison. street. chtirch, wil preside at thxe annual. meeting on Thursday, .June-11 at 1:,30 o'clock, ix the Woman's room. Brillant Iprograms have marked the general guild meetings through- out the -year, but climaing themn ail wiil be the pirogram on this. occa- sion consisting of annual reports of officers, standing c Iomminttees, 'and division chairmen. - A resumné'o! the two years' ac- tivities including the bazaars, book- reviews, special dinners, and teas, rummage sales, and social gather- ings, will be given. Special benevolences assigned to each division wIll be reported upon as follows: First division-Agard Rest home; Second division--Chica- go Deaconess home; Third - Jen- nins exmi4xary; Fourth-4ke Bluff orphanage; Fifth - l1d People's home; Slxth-Wesley Ixospital. *Division chairmen have shared with the president the heavy' re- sponsibiity o! the intensive pro- gram of' the guild and are retir- irig with her today after a splendid record of conscientious and effective achievemnent. They are: Mrs. E. B. Snyder, Mrs. Harold 0. Hayes. Mrs. ne, incoming president. The musical part of 'the program will be furnished by Ivrs. Otto Gep- pert, an accomplished mtisician, weUl known in Wilmette for her bril- liant piano playing. Mrs. A. C. Schwarm will be in charge of refre shments, assisted by the social chairmen of the divisions, including Mrs. B, C. Davison. Mrs. t lord coI planned be starti A lare has beei ways an( Roland