Rev. John O,'Mara of the, sanie church; Mrs. Frank R. Adamis, pres- ident,'of the Womnan's .Club of Wîl-, mette; Mrs. nhomas O'Neill. presi- dent of , the North- Shore- Catholic Woman's league; Mrm J. Charles MecCarthy, - president o? the Brown- son circle; Mrs,.,Thomas Malzacker, president of the Edgewater Catholic Woman's club;. Mrs. M. C. Zimmer, president of the Catholic Woman's Club o! Rogers Park. At tables graved withsrn lw ers. the entire assemblage was seat- ed.'The femninine honor guests of the club and members of the luncheon committee were recipients of cor- sages.. members of nerr introduced, after w~ ation te, the retiring and second vice-pre ton P. Walker, an( in charge of the 'Walker, Mrs. Edwi retiring recordings <'nmina second cI V< fords u sociali in charge of wirs.Notrrs mrmry.>> Mfrs. Boynton, who has Won recog- nition for lier. work as a 'dramnatie, reader, and who has 'studied drama in Boston and N ew York,. bas been devoting mnuch of ber timne to a series of radio sketches, given on ber program "There Was a Wom- an,"- which, for sixteen mhonths, has been broadcast on the 1413ÇBlue nietwork. Mrs. Boynton started to write a book of historic al. sketches* of women behind fa mous mén, but, because her work at once was, 50 enthusiastically received by radio of-, ficials, she temporarily shelved her book and turned to her prograis, for radio. -amatie afternoon in.iuly [n a stockade at Boones- rias Edward Boswel.l, the JUSI ARRIVEýD Many new crisp cool dresses for ail sumn- mer wear.. The latest and smarlest for every occasion... materiels that you wiII simply love . . . coftons from'-7.95. Prnts and sheers from 16.75. Dinner and, gowns from 19.75. Everythng de- sirable N EW ýH AT S 5 95 71-95 95 Large picture hats in leghorns and rough straws in ail cotors and styles . .aso- sft ribour trmhabes.- FINAL CLEARANCE on all earty summer suits and coats .. . in light and darc colors. Pastel woolens af - 0*0 that were 29.75. An- other group of crepes and prints at 5.00, 10.00. 14.00. Lundy, first vice-president ; Mrs. William Fisher,' recording seere- tary;. Mrs. F. Dou~glas Wilson, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. John F. Eckert, treasurer; Mrs. William FitzPatrick, Mrs. William Wolff, Mrs. George Browning, Mrs. Guy 1North Evanston a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Calloway, 920 Linden avenue. lGr.. 4944 the grounds. J. j<ý ý :-