Degrees wil be awarded to more than 1850 graduates, the largest claie in the unlverslty's hlstory. The exercises will beheld in> the great indoor choral theater, which wau erécted over the, west stand at the stadlum for theNot Shore Mugie festival last week. M&ny Reunl*nu Commencement will as usual cli- max -a week of pre-graduation fes- tivities. A series of clinics and al- umni reunions will be held, in> the medical and dental schools and the school of Iaw on the Chicago camn- pus- during the week. The baccalaureate service will be héld F'riday evening in the First Methodist Episcopal church, Evans- bags of clothing, 566 baga "of paper amind 131 pieces of furniture, which were, collected by Goodwill trucks and, are now; being repaired and made ready for sale by handicap- ped 'woirkers in the ýGoodwiJl Indus-. tries factory in> Chicago. HfeIp. Pay 'Wages Probably none of the donors felt that they were rnaking a,.sacrifice. and many of them look upon the Goodwill truck calîs as a service. Yet, at the present rate, these com- munities wil this year provide ly $3,000 in wages for crlppled and handicapped men and, women, who would, rather work than receive charity. ness and heart ailments, but they can repair the materials coUected, and other handicapped workers can seli them in the seven Goodwiil In- dustries stores., They earn 85 per cent o! their wages, and the other 15 per cent is made up by financial contributions. Not Junk tg Them Alu>nni day frr the entire untver- sity, will precede the commencement exercises on Saturday. 13eglnnlng with a rewiion at the soulli end of the campus, the program will i- clude a parade, an alumni luncheon in lte. lake front grove nortit of Tuesday Patsy danced a Russian number and an Italian tarentella for g Week abeadofor iexn," ne s r A large. number oi ar church and club won~ in the Goodwil Indus and hundreds of' fan 'lcommunities c al 4 th Shore tre active program. in> these MIl when