Pay in J Importe, arrivé FRANKEN wv PHONE DEERFIELD 241*. REuW IRRA Mfl wVAr 0V im 1appi4tiositJU LUL igageL~ insurance lix an amnount of $1,643e. 200, a substantial gain over the previous wveek. and also, over the weelçly average' for April. , "Applications. for mnortgage insur- ance during March," he s a i d, 'reached an ail time high anid then showed an unseasoxial tapering off during the month of April, until the last week of that month, when a low point of 300 applications was reached. The trend now appeaus i Trhough the measure is now being considered by a joint, Congressioiial Committee which is to iron, out slight differences lin the House, and -Senate buIs, 'the. fact th at these were. not seriçius with a major part of the pro-1 gram has led people to anticipate early passage of the measure. Cites Provisions Provisions of the bis, passed, by both House and Senate, of most in- terest to local builders, lending in- stitutions, prospective home owners and real estate men and upon which, there were only minor differences are as follows: É Increase in the amnount of liability the FIHA may have outstanding at any one time from 1$3,000,000r,00 to $4,000,000,- IApril Holds- Up *218 Woodbine avenue.,Wiete colonialres'idencè of.7 mooms, and 2 baths, purchased by Ralph F. Huck, of the la* firm of ChapMan & Cut- 1er from, Roy R. Marquardt, vice- presidentof the First NationalBanký of Chicago.,,W. A. Sadier was the- broker. 827l Lincoln avenue, >Highland Park, brieck colonial house purchased. by Max Bloomatefi of the lawfirm, of Poppenhusen.,Johnston Thompnson & Raymond fr,,om Richard Kuns, attorney.,Baird, & Warner, Inc., co- operated with If. L. Hultmnan in the, sale. 414 Essex road, Kenilworth; 8- room cement residence on lot 100x175. Purchased by Agnes C. Hoveyt from 0. R. Wolfe. Miss 1111- 909 Ashland avenue, Wilmette; English brick residence of 9 rooms and 3 baths, sold by Charles Albers, receiver for Réliance State batik, to undisclosed purchaser. H. L. Huit- mani represented both parties. 727 Clinton place, Evanston; six-. romColonial, 2 baths, purchased. by Arthur E. Petersen fromn Bertha Mohr. . Miss Hilda Yohn was* the Iast year is sftown in the reports of. 28Cstr vnu, vnst perniits for new building issued dur-, Brick 3-apartment building pur- îng the month o! April by the build- chased by Louis F. l4eintz frorn the ing comrnissioîxers of seventy-four Baptist Mutual Life Insurance com- communities throughout the Chi- pany. Sumner Walker co-operated cago region reporting to the survey. with H. L. Hultman in the sale. made by Bell Savings, Building and Loan association, Chicago. The fig-. Vacant 55x217 on Highland avenue ures being $3,272,967 for April, 1939 Evanston, between Thayer and Isa- nd_0.9 .25% 090 . rrA.,il ciq bella streets.: nurchased hv Cyrus~ EveustoS c k