The cast follows: Orsino, Duke, of Illyria. . .-Rolland Heiser Sebastian, brother to Viola .Henry Zander Atn ,a sea captain, frlend b ~~ Sesta.....Robert' Rigler A sea captain, fiend to Viola. Ray Wies Cuta gentleman fttendlng on the Duke,.......... Henry Greene Valentine, gentleman attending on the Duke ...--,Robert Getschow Sir Toby Belch, uncle to Olivia. Don 1Royce $Ir Andrew Aguecheek. .Richard Landon Malvolio, steward to Olivla.Mllford DavIg Fabian, servant to Olivia.... John Darley Feste, a clown, servant to Olivia.>............... Aflan Claar Olivia................Mafrian Petersen Viola..I.. ........... Elizabeth Dilling Maria,:Olivia's servant% .]Florence Wlléett Priest ....... .....W.iia Heocr Page ... FacsBecker,. LucifleBecker rector. Mt. uregg pointed out that many people make, an annual> prac- tice of visiting, the museumn on this holiday.:. For. such visitors, several new halls, and many' new exhibits i other halls, have been added dur- ing -the past year. FJRST GRANDCRILD) A daughter, Sarah Anne, was born Mayr 18, at the Columbus hospital to Mrend. *Mrs. George Browning, Jr., 460.- Lake Park avenueé, Chi.] cago. The baby is the llrst' gra nd-I child of Mr. and Mns. George Browning of 423 Ninth street WnA- squacl of g for the Annual Meetut Shalwnee Club Some 115 villagers whose tenure o- - --- residence qualifies thern for member- one, and there Mrs.* Steffens has ship in Ye Olde Towne Foikes of sixice continuously resided. Wilmette, together with their prog- The annual election of officers and eny nd fiend,. et a Shaneedirectors resulted as follows: Cony clubfrieda met t frShawee Presi ent-James Kline.. Counry lub ueslay igh forthe Vce-president-F. r e d e r i c k*. are now livin, avenue place. plla ced