Mr. Bull was president of Brad- ner, Smith. and company-, wholesale paper firm, and was at one time president. of the Western Trade Pa.- per association. He had made his home in Winnetka for:.the past 18 years. After serving with the, Illin ois Na-- tional GQuard during the Mexican campaign of 1916, he, was Sent -over- seas with the Americani Expedition- aryý force and there won the rank of major. Hie was a member o! theý Chi- ca go, 1inian Hill, Chicago , Athletic, and Casino clubs. Survivers include hbis widow, Sara Rozet Bull; a son, Richard, Jr.; three dau g ht e rs, Mns. Bayne O'Brien, and the Misses Sara Rozet and Mary. Constance; his mother, Mrs. Arthur E. Bu1, and a itr, Mrs. John Swanson, the two latter of Houston, Tex. association. I The studyr, the ftrst of its. kin d ever made for thIs area, le. being used. as a guide by the association in its efforts to preserve the. residehtial charecter of the towns and cities from .,Evanston toý Lake Bluff, inclusive. Overl ook Securl$y F*vior To date, the report setsforth, most traffie problems have been ap- proachd fromn the viewpoint only of traffie convenience and traffie safe- ty. The important factors, of: quiet, security and maintenance of resi- dential, character in communities have been overlooked in many. in- stances. "Some residence districts have been caught in the mnarch -of prog- ress 'and the safety and quiet which 4ýnr hean uin- I ,1ated,'" the report reads. "These resîdence. districts have not been dstroyèd deliberaiely-but incident- alIy, they simply have not beein con- sidered. their return to the Chicago area from. the recent Methodist Un4ting Con! erençée at a series o! afternoon and evening affairs 'this week. The Chicago Northern District.ex- tended its welcome, at. a, district rally held at the First Methodist Church of Evanston, Wednesday, May 24. The Chicago Sou thern Dis-; trict will convene -in the Methodist Church of Englewood, 64th street and Stewart avenue, Thursday, May 25. Bishop Roberto Eiphick o! San- tiago, Chule, will be an honàr-,guesti at both afairs. Speakers ai the Northern District gathering were Dr. E. D. Soper of Garrett Biblical Institute, Drn. Orrmn Service commission, Bishop Fred- erikk T. Keeney, director of the Million Unit Fellowship Movement, Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, superintend- ent o! the Chicago Home Mission- GUIDEJtECTURE TOURS. Next week's guide-lecture tours for the general public at Field Museum of Tfafural 1iistory will begin Mon- 4day, May 29, with "Lacquem, Tur- pentine and Rubber" at 3 e.m.- On other days at the samne hour subjects will' be: Wednesday, "'Carl Akeley Exhibits and Peocesses";e Thursday, a general tour :of' anthropological, botanical, geological 'and zoological exhibits, and Friday "The Octopus and Other Sea Mimais." These tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are. open te alI museum visitors. Parties assemwble inside the north entrance. There will be no tour on Tuesday, May 30, on account of the M~emorial Day holiday, but the ý,sumw4illbeon o4 WJ v isitWirs twJt day durlng the regular houre, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 0. -V ,