teuLon i t e uULULUUUoor at 3 nouse Bill 512 Van* der Vries-Estab- oMcock in the morning of July 1in lilshed DesPlaines Valley Sta te.,Park. Signed by the Governor. order to avoid the bombardment of flouse Bill 662 Van'der Vries, McGaug. fireworks heralding the close of the- hey Provicles for the organization of sessiCn. n Wîid Lite Districts. House Bill 89! van der Vries,> McGaug-, uslenFuni hey-Ohio River- Sanitation Compact To tihe credit of the 6lst Generai Ratification. Assembly it must be said that thel saôUse Bill 925 Van der Vie-EnFrlarges final dy> was heyÉnDistricty :ofnChicago to cover finl dy ws te mst rdely n ortion of the village of Midothian. mny experience, since no fireworks! House Bill 926 Van der Vriesm-Prohibits w . re xp lodd utilnigt, .wheeasl isconnection of land froni cities if -con- wer exiodd utilngt, herast iguous tol anotlher city. heretofore the work of the entire flouse Buis10. and Ï095 Van der Vr ies last week had: been interrupted byj Noper, Peters, Clabaughý - Arren dc explosives -under the, seats and münicipal budget law as it apphies tv. desks of the members.Inodro schools. EgeFoRes satisfy Flo'use members: who mùst The passage of bis, howeveri have their 'fun, 'a- fifteen. minute nfo t reuresent. the entire work. rock session was held during a re- of the, session. The work of, the cess at miidnight. With fireworks 1 members of the Assembly in .assist- e x p i o d i n g everywhere mem- in g the passage or the defeat of bis bers took refuge in the corridors carried by other members is even and t h e gaileries already over-moeiprati aycssfla crowded with spiectators. The last the- Actual nunmbér of bils intro- scene brought down upon the temp- duced and passed. Even the work orary speaker a pail of ice Water on amendmerits is important, such from. the balcony above hîm-. for example, as the efforts of Rep- Pass Bis in Profusion resentative Sprague, through unsue- On the closing day in the House, ýrpssful, to secure the adoption of a which ran from 10 in the morning referendum amendment to the Su- until 3 the next morning, with brief trr-Highway Bis for Chicago and recesses for meals, the clock hav- Cook county. ing been stoppeci in the early eve- Noteworthy, were the efforts of ning in order to technically finish Representative Schnackenberg on ail work on June 30, more than one tax preajudication Bis. Day after hundred Senate bis wcre passed. day it seemed a hopeless task to In the Senate, the same procedure c"ordinate the varlous views of him.- was taking place on House Bis. self and Representative, Daley. Ex-. Many bills were defeated in the cept for these important bis which ciosing days in both bouses and passed, t h e taxpayers shouid be many were neyer gîven the oppor- thankfui for the large' number ofý tunity for a roll caîl in the House; ;bills which did not-pass. In fact a 85 Bis were on the caiendar when. Session in my estimation should be the Generai Assembly adjourned, judged by that standard. sine die. It is difficult to under- Springfield hoteis are hoping for a stand w h y Senator Bidwill's Bill Special Session soon but the mer- piacing- sçhool elections in Cook bers of the Assembly are eager for counity under Permanent Registra- a long recess. Six months is a long, tion was not called for a vote when long pull. bis were cailed which were slated __________ for defeat. District Fares WeIl Christian Science The four members in the Assemb-