Financial Statement, lune 30, 1939 LIABILITIES .Shareholders' Interés... . .$5979282973 Tihis represents thte savings and invest- ment"s, including earnings. credited to the aceounts of 78W0 sharelioldées who eonstitute -the Assoiation. Dividende Deliarèd .......... Earning declared by ihe Dfreetorsmand paalIo Shareholders July 1, 1939. Mortgage Loans. in Process... Thé Association lbas m ade oans to, huild, repair, refinane :or buny hones on wiih these funds have flot yet been- Aishursed. Advanc e From Federal Hlome Loan Banik .................... The Association has a Une of credit with titis reserve institution of 501% of its shareitolders' interest, or about 8300,. 000.00, of whiçh ouly $75,000.00 is lie- ing ,ised, leaving $225,000.00 available Io the Association onm a ten-year or shorter terin basis for the ordinary husi- îiess needa of the Association. Titis ad- vance is seeured in accordancé with the of tihq Fedet*al Home Loan Bank Aet eis auipnded. Reserves and Undividéd Profits.. Earnings set aside for the long terni safety of the shareholders. Total RESOURCES eal Estate Loans. Other Resourees Total 9.)467.23 17)53647 755.000.00 33,857.38 $7331143.81 .$6689177.78 ..... ....976.85 .$733,14381 on" meWest i e of j Iabout the west end, xrnately Ms onPtr,13 eta nder the Ms onPtr,13 eta iShore avenue,, is convailescing at hom~e he siope from a tonsillecto 'my performed re- Willbe cently at the Norwegian American es under. hospital. First' À