*Tucked away in the northwestern corner of Montana in what is known as the "Land of. Shining Moun- tains," is Glacier, by many people considered to be the finest of our national parks.- It is at this point that the rugged Rocky Mountains begin their majestic sweep across Amnerica, and within the 1,500 square miles comprising the park ar.ea is some of America's grandest scenery and Most beautiful wilder- ness. Over a thousand miles of ex - cellent tra ils, gracled for hiking as well as for saddlel horse, trips,, the loveliestý (and formerly inaccessible) beauty spots. of this region have been brought wit hin easy and comfortable reach of' those lucky enough to find. themnselves va cationing in this fav- ored corner of our land. Glacier is a sportsman's paradise, with thrillîng peaks to conquer for the mountain vlimlber; the .fliestof -trout waters~ for the angler; glorious tra ils to ex- plore for the hikers and loyers of horse-back riding; swimnming in the. blue waters of glacial lakes, cascad- ing streamns or indoor pools; and even a sporty grass green course toi the enthusiastic golfer. sqaemiles of insPiring gran deur, isCanada's smaller, yet superbly beautiful Wateriton Lakes Park, cou- neçted with Glacier by a magnifi- cent- highwayo and *launch route âcross 'a deep mnountain-encircled lake. These two recreational areas form the Glàcier-Waterton, Inter- national Peace Park - with only a stone. marker, bearing the :inscrip- tion ."International Botundary" ,to tell -one Whenz he has crossed fromn thc United. States into Caniada,. orý vice versa. A SOjourn in these com- bined wonderlands with their 'in-, fin ite variety' of things to do in per- fect surroundings-deserves honor- able mention in any list of vacation possibilities. Eugene C. Bauers to. Tour. on West. Coast b. dlsuappeIed lin:y@ur Svocatiom. tbis - uumwnr. TRAVEL SERVICE STÉIETPFLOOR STATE BANK BUILDING. IVANSTQN, ILLINOIS