TWO DOLL-A À A A Nom nsuatrW al treatA editor by ?ueéay fn.n Coutnbuttomg sA.uld be auhoe' naine, reqaued lu r roerence, and naf neceswily ter pblicasion. JULY, 6, 1939 The Symphon Conceêrts For, the fourth successive season Wii-, mette wiil be host to the entire North Shore at a series pi eight concerts W be given in 'Wilmette amphitheatre by the Mlinois Sym- phony orchestra. ýThe flrst will b e pre- sented on Wedniesday eveniing,, July 12, with the distiniguished director, Izir Solo, mon, wielding the baton. The others wiU follow on succeeding Wednesday evenings to and includmng August 30. Ail North Shore villagers will be more tiTan plaed to emnbrace the opportunty to listen to the fine music rendered by this organization of talented musicians, which lias gamned so splendid a reputation wher- ever it lias appeared. Its popularityjias grown locally, not only from season to season, but from program to program, un- tii now it is recognized as the major mu- sical offering of the year. To hear its pro- grams amid such delightful environmient is Chicago area will certainly raise the price of milk, according to a Univ ersity of Chi- cago economist, who only repeated what other well-informed folks have been say- ing. It will almost as» cetainly brmng a sharpreduction in'the consumpÉon of milk.. which ý will affe ct the earnings. of 'the miik distributors and the miWk drivers. *Itwild more.. It will affect the health of thousands. of babies who willý of niecessityý be. put upon shorter millc rations. If. the secretary would put. his ear to the ground and pay heed tô what he hears from the mothers >and fathers of these chiidren, he might pause to ponder the wso of the. course he proposes. The milk producer has, according to re- ports, been getting the short end of the revenues derived from milk sales. But the householder will flot be eager to pay an increased price to pay the cos.t of bu- reaucrats who would administer the pro- posed legisiation. Eternal Vigilance Reports from Springfield iast w-eek were to the effect that a number of bills intro- duced in the house of representatives, dé- signed to make changes in present prn- anid his neu, you are al "Seventy-five state troopers. raid county; only two siot machines foimd," read' a Sunday lieadline. Comig events may have '<cast. their shadows before." It has been>done., -An honest man'has no fear of the, law or any- thing else. -The late pre.sident of Louisiana State uniVersity, for whom authorities had .been seek- ing on a,;charge of embezzlement of $100000 of coilege funds, surrendered to the chief of, police of an Ontario, Canada, town. Said, he- had read in a paper that he was waýnted, but failed. to explamn why he had .fled.*Lo6uisiana under an assumned naine. A clear conscience is a won- derful thing. Without intent to "scoop". the news pages. we cannot refrain from speaking proudly of. those Glencoe Boy Scouts who, on. their way to New York's. fair, happened upon an automo- bile accident and rendered excellent first aid to injjireçl persons. Isn't that just what' one woul 'd expect of North Shore Boy Scouts, trained by such proficient leaders? One hundred and seventy-eight bis passed by the legisiature in the closing hours of the, session' shows wvhat gluttons for work are our legisiators. But wýhy not act on most of the bis. earlier- and more leisurely? It ,might be conducive, to.,less bad- measures. A l6.ýyear- the. otheré d, in a making, or appeals for funcis. The cost, of the series will be borne locally, and Wilmette lias arranged that ho extraneous mattèrs . shafl interfere with the enjoyment and' appreciation of lier "Starliglit Sym- phonies." e Pay? These bis, întroduced at the request of the Illinois commission for the revision.' codification or amendment of the election laws, were. opposed by the Suburban Area and Country Towns Association of Cook County and other organizations as well as municipal officiais and individuals,' ail moved to concerted action to protect the interests of suburban communities. deeply than such an experienc, w..ould have to be stretched to cc la%% should, deal severely with, They are not fit to associate people. )nce ive it. The such parents. with civilized An Amnerican' Bar- association authority oný elections says that, a president of the United States. couId :be elected legally by fraud. Per- haps. But what a sýýeet timhe of it thatpesen would have. Afterrnath: Dad with a couple of 'fingers band- brougnt fis career to an end. sage, but of ail others interested in retain- The four 'young menarrested by Glencoe ing control of local elections by suburban police last Thursday on a charge of hold- commn iies, will be required to preserve mng Up a tavern, would probabl agree present niglits and privileges. Chicago street car lines are asking for a raise to an 8-cent fare. They evidentiy believe (for the publie) in spending our way out of the depression. Labor Daycoming lup. TMR PHANTOM REPORTER VIV CEMT A COPT