BABY SECTION- BABY ESMOND BLANKETS ....1.900 Pink or blue wrapping, size-30x40. CRIB BLANKET............1.00 Pikor le bound with celônose ribbon,. 36x50; 40x60. BASKET PAD .................1.00ý To fit carrying basket or bassinefte; solid, Pink or blue; a few with wahbl hinf covers. INFANTS' RAYON CREPE SACQUES...1.00 Adorably dainty, some em broide red-others bound in ribbon. Pink or blue. PEQUOT PILLOW CASES......... 5 for 1.00 Made of fine count percale'. PEQUOT SHEETS................. 2 for 1.00 Same fine quctîty Mother uses on her bed. 36x45-, 36x54. CANNON KNIT.TOWELS . .. reg. 39C-3 for 1.00 Fine q ual'it. soft- and absorbing. Edged in Pink or blue. 20x3O. & GOWNS, 2 for 1,00 SSES .... .2 for 1.00 2for $ Nio R.furids or &chaniges Not every style in every six. butf a good selection of ail dresse from suze 9 to 17. Delow: New m onay- I~ mag in those coin dots on spun rayon .. . - ;-,fn in the ripplinq siiri. Reverse color cqn- frast. I I Baby Room-Second Floor -m -~ 'I 1> 'i .1. ~i-A...'I. i -w 25 JULY , 13 L 4 vs- W%&4miâ